@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:
I don't think I ever heard of stoop ball. I will have to google that one.
I use to love playing dodge ball.
I did play Candyland as a kid.
I did have a few yo-yos. I could never figure out how to do any of the yo-yo tricks.
I seem to remember having the butter fly shape yo-yo, the thin flat yo yo, and the standard shape yo-yo
Stoop ball is on google. One requirement is a stoop.
I never played dodge ball in the city. It was a summer camp game.
Every spring, a Duncan yo-yo master would come to my block and do a spectacular demonstration of yo-yo tricks. It was fun to watch, but could I do any of them. Not so much, but I expect that the purpose of the demo was to get kids to buy yo-yos. He succeeded.
I still have a few yo-yos. Sometimes I get them out and play a little for old times' sake. But mostly I kept them for my cats.
OMG, I forgot to mention that I played hide and seek, and, as a younger child, ring=around-the rosy and the farmer in the dell. Also London Bridge is falling down.