Sat 24 Dec, 2011 11:55 am
Rules are simple! If you are male, reply to the thread with a number one less than the number in the post before yours. If you are female, reply to the thread with a number one more than the number in the post before you!
The count starts at 1000, Males win if the count reaches 0, females win if the count reaches 2000!
Don't cheat and no consecutive posts!
Count starts at 1000!
(edit, it was 999 but aptly-named mars got in there with a 997)
(had to edit my previous post as well

996. But I'm bored, bye.

(It would be more interesting if you couldn't post again until, say, five other people have posted.)
I concur with Sozobe's assessment.
The thread would probably die in that case
You can wait five posts before you post again, if you want, but it's not a restriction!
Three turns before posting again is a good compromise I think.
we're never going to get to 2000 or 0.
I predict this thread will die a quick and relatively painless death, long before reaching any goals