you would FEED her? That does it, I am not selling her to you. You are too nice. ;-)
Thank you all for the kind words. It helps to hear/read other things about me despite of the venomous sh*t MIL offers.
As for Mr Wolf.. yeah, he has it really bad right now. Some of wich I can not comprehend... ! One of the things that I heard between those two was how MIL allowed his father to strip his clothes, empty his room , lock him inside , tie the door with a jump rope and remove the curtains so everyone in the apt complex could see how stupid he looked. Mr Wolf was 7 years old at the time........ it makes me sick to look at mil. Of course, I was not there. I can not judge/condemn the woman, but as a mother, that man would have been shot. If Mr Wolf ever did that to Bean, I would take her and run as far as my short legs would allow. I dont understand how a mom can allow things like that to happen in front of her to her child. But , that isnt for me to understand I guess. And having heard these things, I now completely understand WHY living here has been so hard for them, me and all of us on many diffrent levels. Thier history is jagged, harsh, and out of control. They have not mended thier lives and in a desperate attempt to soothe each other in thier grief, decided to live together. Well.. OBVIOUSLY that was the wrong thing to do!! hahah!
Sometimes I truly feel like the lights of the house will come on full blast, and there in the middle of the room will stand Jerry Springer with his microphone! I have never been in the midst of so much drama in my life! I as a person am very quiet, low key, peaceful person. When I argue.. if at all, I dont yell, I dont scream and I dont throw stones. I believe that we are a product of our surroundings and we are responsible for the energy we live in. This household is distrubing to me . I have tense shoulders all day. I am rigid, I grind my teeth... things I have never done before I am now doing. I am ill-equipped to handle this tension and am suffering because of it. My biggest fear is that Bean will become accustom to this tension, and later on as an adult try to re create this atmosphere because that is what felt normal to her as she was growing up. I know this is just a mommy fear, probally unrealistic, but it is there.
Im afraid also, that when we DO move, MIL will attempt to follow. Either playing the " im desperatly alone " card, or the " I want to see my granddaughter" card. Either one will be a ploy to try to move in , or drown herself in OUR lives. I have a feeling that this wont be over even when we do get out. >sigh<
But, I will cross that bridge when I get there. Right now I need to focus on getting a home . As I type here, I have another site up taking virtual tours of homes in our area and even glancing at apartments.
Thank you for giving me the room to just vent, cry, and say some pretty awful things with out judging me. I have been in front of a judge for the past year and a half ( mil ) and it feels nice to be able to just say what I want with out there really being any meaning. Truthfully I would never hurt MIL< but DAMN if I dont fantasize about it!!!!!!
Mayo jar? PPbbbtth.. I will lock her in a 20 year old dirty port-o-potty and turn the damn thing upside down!