I am very sorry that I didnt say a damn thing and just seemed to drop off the face of the "internet"
It wasnt until I got Mac11's phone message yesterday that I realized I have not been online to let anyone know I am ok. And given the losses people have experienced here, that was quite inconsiderate of me.
My grandmother died and I really turned into myself and become a hermit over the last few weeks. Her death was pretty sudden given that she was relatively healthy. She was diagnoed with pneumonia on a monday, and dead by wednesday afternoon . Both of her lungs were full and there was nothing the doctors could do. She was 85. She had a blockage in her intestines that was found a few months ago that had been giving her problems but with some diet changes she was supposed to be ok and able to live with that. She was just begining to get on her feet and adjust to the new diet before she begun throwing up ALOT ... and I believe she got asperation pneumonia. That is where you inhale liquids, possibly foods, and it infects the lungs. She had a really bad time throwing up the day before she went to the hospital so I am convinced that is what happened.
We buried her friday and have all been living in a tense nut shell since then.
My mother in law has been drunk all the time and Mr Wolf and I have confronted her and were responded to with some wickedness I have never seen in this woman. I am afraid for our living situation. I am going to have to take on a full time and possibly a part time job in the next 2-3 weeks so we can rush our moving out. Alot has crashed on my plate lately and has made it hard to see an end. Death is a dramatic , painful thing, top it off with a grieving woman who is so angry she can see anything but red and it makes things that much harder.
So I apologize for not even saying hi for the last 3 weeks . I have just been lost and under water for a while with no real direction.
But thank you for your call Mac. It was very nice to hear from someone . And it reminded me that there are other people out there who think about me and that life does go on inspite of my selfish " hermit" life.