Quote:Pray tell, when and under which circumstances is light not a function of basic reflective properties and colour?
Every day, every hour. The moon that illuminates the night gets it's light from the sun, but that is not to say that the light is a function of the moons reflective properties. The light is a result of the fire burning on the sun.
Colors are fractions of light, so it might be true that color is a function of basic reflective properties, properties of the object rather than of light itself.
Because light is neccesary for us to percieve colors it is easy to assume that they don't exist without light, as I have stated earlier in the thread. I now see that this may not be true.
I came to think about electrical systems. While it is completely obvious that they will not work without electricity, the electricity itself does not alter any properties of the machine exept to activate it. The same may be said about objects, their colors and light. In the dark any color of any object is indetectable. When light is introduced the properties of the object that define it's color are activated.