Sat 9 Apr, 2005 08:39 pm
Life sometimes deals you some raw cards...and sometimes you just don't want to fight for something better...what do you do then?...fight anyways?...not do anything at all? just wait out...what are some opinions on this topic?
i'm just not in the greatest of moods right now...
just alot on my mind..sigh. thanks for the reply.
I'm here for you, brother.
Welcome to A2K, lex. Care to tell us more? There are many perceptive folks here who often offer sound advice, or at least a listening ear...
Resolve. This, too, shall pass.
People may find this hard to believe, but I sometimes spiral into depths of depression that are beyond description. It comes at me in waves.
I'm going through that right now. Doesn't happen very often.
There's an ancient Chinese saying to the effect that if you're in a situation where you don't know what to do, the best thing is to do nothing. Wait for the situation to change enough so that you do get an inkling as to what to do. This, of course, runs contrary to the Western notion that one must do something, no matter what. I go with the Eastern philosophy. Go with the flow.
May I call you Master Andrew?
actually, gus, no. it does not surprise me. you are a complex person and those usually go through ups and downs more often. the upside of it is richer intellectual and emotional life. i wouldn't trade, would you?
But it's not more often. Fairly rare. But when it hits me......WHAM!
But I'm sure I'm not alone.
I'm leaving now. I must seek darkness and silence.
Thanks for listening, Dag.
Don't you worry, you always will have your pitch fork.
Merry, you're talking about "wu wei", a simpler form of tao?
You'll only fight, when they stakes are good, otherwise
it's wasted energy.
You are not alone, no. But you still have to go through it alone. when it hits me, i get restless. i can't stop going from place to place and last place i want to be is home. i seek out people and cling to them, though it only helps temporarily (and there is a high risk of cranky me turning against best friends). also happens rarely, but then it lasts a week or two. it is as if i was on a trip to some parallel universe. hey, it's for free at least...
gustavratzenhofer wrote:May I call you Master Andrew?
Yes, Grasshopper. But be sure to tug at your forelock as you kowtow. Or have you shaved your head already?