Are you implying that Gus is a sheep flocker?
Why would anyone want to imply that?
Should we be discussing that in mixed company?
Is there any reason why we
shouldn't ?
Do you want to piss off the new pope ? that a safe thing to do??
Is anything safe these days?
Can you think of anything NOT safe?
Is safety the issue here?
Well, what do you think is the issue?
Does there always have to be an issue?
Do you have to make such an issue out of this?
Can't we all just get along?
Why should I? Am I supposed to love everybody?
What if I said that I love everybody no matter what anybody thinks?
Do you really think that they would believe you?
Would it matter, if Intrepid doesn't care what we think?
... but beyond that ... would life be worth living if Intrepid doesn't care what we think?