Tue 5 Apr, 2005 01:58 pm
Because of the heat on baseball regarding steroid use, will we start seeing huge-muscled home run hitters shrink in size? And will the fastball significantly lose its speed?
They already have tiny testicles from the steriods....why not take the juice away and make their bodies match?
In all seriousness...the "greats" didn't need juice to make it. Hank Aaron should be FURIOUS for having his record broken.
No, I don't think you're going to see a huge difference. Giambi's about the same size he was a couple years ago, whether he's juicing or not. Besides, there isn't a TON of guys that are absolutely huge.
Plus, unless they get really strict on the testing, steroids isn't going away in baseball. These guys can still take GH, which they don't test for, and can juice all they want in the off-season to bulk up. They need to start testing everybody to make a difference.