Sun 3 Apr, 2005 10:36 am
Can someone please check this site and let me know why my page looks much different in Firefox then it does in IE? My HTML skills are very basic and I am trying to customize a template supplied by my wife's company. It looks great in IE, but Firefox is a completely different story. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I use Firefox with my MAC and cannot detect a difference
to IE. Did you block out certain features in "Preferences"?
I use Adblock and other features that sometimes create
havoc on a few websites.
There shouldn't be any pop-up ads for that page. I have tried it with pop-up block enabled and disabled and get the same result. Also, this code is appearing right above the 4 images on the bottom (open houses, virtual tours, contact, search). Any ideas?
<% if($mc->hasVirtualTours() && $mc->hasOpenHouses()) { $cellWidth = 25; } else if(!$mc->hasVirtualTours() && !$mc->hasOpenHouses()) { $cellWidth = 50; } else { $cellWidth = 33; } if($mc->hasVirtualTours()) { %> <% } if($mc->hasOpenHouses()) { %> <% } %>
I've found that, for whatever reason, Firefox distorts some webpages if I have the 'bookmarks' toolbar active. Try closing that and the site might realign itself properly.
The 'Bookmarks' toolbar also creates a very unsettling shaking sensation in some websites. I find that simply removing it solves a lot of problems.
Fine By ME
Hi I have tried your site with both IE and Firefox on both my PC and Mac and there is no distortion what so ever ... Everything looks fine