Tue 13 Nov, 2018 11:03 am
I wish to enter the fictional universe of Annabelle Creation, so that I can tell Janice that she's my friend, my daughter and my princess - is this possible?
Yes, but there is a mirrored, revolving door and you have to time it just right. Can you just send an e-mail?
I would rather place all planets between the US and the UK, in order to enter Annabelle Creation
OK...But the astrologers aren't gonna like that.
Alternatively, I could just realise that I already exist in Annabelle Creation, and that chaos is helping time as a way to stop me from making this realisation
Alternatively, you could seek professional counseling, take your prescribed medication and look forward to all of this bullsh*t fading away.
I prefer to think that I already exist in Annabelle Creation
Actually, I absolutely agree