Why don't we follow each and every character (in real time) from the time they get the tickets through the entirety of their trip to the Chocolate Factory and whatever country that takes place in? I mean come on! Everything needs to be properly depicted in its entirety. Did the characters brush their teeth twice a day; go to bed and sleep eight or so hours; go to the bathroom periodically? What about their packing their luggage? Did they calculate what kind of clothes to pack (weather wise)? What was in their overhead baggage? Did anyone need to go to the pharmacy to get extra medications for the trip?
Dealing with airport security? Did they choose the kosher meals on the flight? What about the inflight movie? Can't we watch the entire movie they watched as well?
Their whole hotel check in experience needs to be experienced as well. Did they take public transportation? A taxi? Private limo... from their hotel to the factory? Did they tip their driver? Etc...?