Re: Do you find yourself attractive?
LuckyStar wrote:Why do you think people think of you as some sort of selfish diva if you say that you think you look good?
I bet alot of people find themself attractive but dont say it, and might even say that they think they are ugly instead, because they dont want people to think they are selfish divas. Why is that? Whats so wrong with thinking of yourself as attractive? Its not like you´re offending anyone else. As long as you dont think you are above everyone else.
What do you think? Am I wrong?
It's all in the delivery, as I'm guessing Soz would say.
For instance, I am incredibly good-looking, but because I'm also so damn charming, sweet and intelligent, people just love me no matter what I say and don't think I'm selfish at all.
At least I think that's how they feel. When people talk to me I'm usually just thinking about how gorgeous I am, or about the next brilliant thing that I'm going to say, so I don't really know what other people think.