Sun 2 Mar, 2003 12:06 pm
Muriel Spark's "Miss Jean Brodie", a larger than life teacher at a Scottish girls school said:
"Art and religion first; then philosophy; lastly science. That is the order of the great subjects of life, that's their order of importance."
What would be your league table ? Justify the first and the last.
The three R's first. Then advance math and art. Geography, history, and cultures next. Philosophy and religion last. That's the order of importance. Says Guru c.i.
Thanks c.i.
I too would put mathematics high on the agenda because it is hopefully a culture free coherent system. I think next should come anthropology, and at the bottom we concur on religion!
Interestingly, for many years there were only two "compulsory" subjects in British schools, P.E. and Religion !
First we should ensure that all the beings on this planet are cared for, and able to participate in our "sport", and then worry about the "order".
O.K. then, now that that's taken care of, I would object to Jean's juxtaposition of Art and Religion.
However, I would put Art and Culture first (unlike practically all governments on this planet) since, without Art and Culture, we are nothing!
And, as appeasement, I hasten to add, what is art without mathematics (the instinctive kind)?
Oooops! That should have read "Forum Guide" not Guru.
