Fri 28 Sep, 2018 09:59 am
The Forging of Manifested Flesh - Julius Fann, Jr
Every individual living within the confines of their interpreted reality are capable and potential murders, thieves, liars, and intellectual objects of destruction. All individuals lives their lives in chambers of lies; of denial in the attempt to hide the fact they are naked of truth, and are always running and hiding from the manifesting evil of good, and good of evil only found in their minds as sense reality which introduce into human thoughts a second power.
A power birthed in fear and loneliness which become a agent of torment that kills, then buries the truth of the true meaning of Christ in the tomb of ignorance. Shadowed ignorance of individual and collective humanistic intelligence which express the lie of dualism, and violates the pattern and order of Spirit within any mind attempting to enter into the Second of God.
When the individual stop looking in time, space, distance and matter to touch God in their human minds, and begin to listen beyond hearing from God in their human consciousness, they will begin to understand they live, and move, and have their beings in One Conscious Mind that constitutes the infinity of their being, and eternality of their thinking.
The human mind is not imbued with truth and cannot recognize Oneness of the Word which spoke the known 4th dimension of awareness as the male and female of the One. The human mind is confined to its own outlines of images it has perceived and enslaved it into 3dimension matter where eternity became time, and unlimited infinity became space dwarfed down to this limited unmovable solid universe of repetitive thought which goes round and round churning, forging manifested flesh.
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa