parados wrote: Several people testified as to Terri's wishes on both sides. The court looked at that testimony and made a decision based on what it felt was true and what wasn't. The court included its reasoning in its decision. The husband prevailed when it came to Terri's wishes not because he was next of kin but because the preponderance of evidence was on his side.
I'm sorry, parados, but I missed this post of yours when you posted it, and I have only now picked it up via nimh quoting it. (Thanks, nimh!) After that, I tried to find a copy of the original (2003) decision and check the primary source myself. But it appears that everyone on the Web is pointing to a file on, and that file is no longer on their server. (Which, it appears, is circumstantial evidence against their version of the story.)
I'll try again later on the court order. For now, based on the impressive debunking job you have done here, I am now assuming that I was wrong and you are right. Sozobe, nimh, and co. were right to salute you. Keep up the good work!
-- Thomas