Thank you all.
was the progenitor of this very general question, as I was extremely suspicious of the treatment in question, but I was unable to access any specific information about it. (Very possibly because there have BEEN no proper trials.)
However, I then became very interested in finding some good sites.
Actually, ebrown_p, I was especially interested in sites which assist one to distinguish between pseudo and real science, but I neglected to ask for these specifically. Do you have any good online esources for this in mind? I hope that you DO write that article.
Sozobe, you are quite correct. I DO keep findng that I must subscribe to view the high quality articles, and I do not have sufficient funds to do this very often. I very much like your idea of googling for them, once they have been discovered. Thank you.
Farmerman wrote: "be aware of any data streams that are not vetted
do a citation index search of the authors of the articles you wish to use
do a citation index on the subject on which you're writing "
I wonder if you could tell me how I would go about doing these doubtless excellent things?
And more information about how I might access the following resources?
"My advice is to start with journals of the subject of interest, and begin there.. Each of the US National Labs run by DOE have staffers doing research on many subject areas. Each of these labs publish a "Science and Technology" Magazine thats free to the interested. "
Thank you very much for your learned comments.
Thomas, I am indeed, using Google Scholar, and finding some wheat, although I think their database is small so far. Unfortunately, the wheat is generally rather expensive to access. Thank you for your suggestions. They are most gratefully received.
Ms. Beth, I thank you for that resource. I shall investigate it thoroughly.
I am still very much hoping for further good ideas, thank you all.