@steven bill,
Nah. For starters, if there was only ONE creator (as most major religions these days seem to propagate, monotheistic as they are), how could this creator be egocentric? If there is no other being around to give attention to: as a matter of fact, if there is NOTHING AT ALL (since this is the creator, it must have started from scratch), how could it not give all it's attention to oneself? Does that qualify as being egocentric? I don't think so, because it's not a state of mind that is being described: it's the actual state of existence that is being described...
If there are other creators out there, then the act of creation implied some form of cooperation, a division of tasks in regards to the creation process. I don't see where that is exactly egocentric.
However, if there were two or more creators, and yet one of them convinces the sentient beings they created that it was, in fact, the sole creator and should be the only one to receive worship? Yes, that would be egocentric.
For the record, I don't qualify myself as an atheist. I am more of an agnost.