I can live with that as a decent basis for understanding the origins. However, I still isistant that the chemistry of pre life almost has nowhere to go but arrive at life via many simple hemical teps.
Of course I have no idea how, but thats the entire point of this thread, nobody really does.
The evidence for life on this planet is a story where very a long period of time was needed to accomplish the first tiny steps, whherein things like cell walls, energy tranformation, and reproduction are only guesses today. After several billion years, due to a "friendly eH/Ph environment and ample oxygen, organisms ,from the late preCambrian through the Triassic(about 400 million years) evolved into all the phyla we see today. We have pretty good evidence and ideas how that happened and under what conditions.
Using the evolution of the phyla as an example of how "opportunistic" and disjointed all this evolving represented (mostly because our planet was never a very stable platform where lif could lazily putz along. Instead there were severl mass extinctions that presented critical decision points that can be interpreted through modern scientific methods(mostly because the "code of life" that resides in our cells has left remarkeable evidence of past episodes that seem to reaffirm this opportunistic helter skelter "invention" of new life forms that successfully reproduce and populate the changing terrain.
We all know that all biological life(based on its ability to adapt to becoming a truly extra solar-system , intra- universe dweller) will otherwise be snuffed out in a billion and a half years as this planet becomes pretty much uninhabitable.(actually we dont really know with any plus or minus range of accuracy since the calculations may have a big error bar based on what point the criticality of Helium fusion will cause that element to "light up')
We sorta know the end of this story and its all dependent on the physics of fusion energy kinetics .
The components of all the proteins , nucleotides and nucleosides are, to biochemistry, easily understood "blocks" in the structural wall of genetic material. With that in mind, Im more amazed at how fucked up our genetic chemistry i, how we as a species LACK so many of the physiological simple minded tools like GULO genes wherein theyve become so overmutated only in primates that , if it werent for vitamin C our diets , wed have gone extinct from scurvy, the story book is full of the trail left in the relict genomes of "pseudigenes" (most all of which , though heavily broken down, still remain as evidence in our genomes as to how erratic an "intellient force" could have been.
I think D Fairbanks wrote the book on the interpretive genetics of the "mistakes" that reside in our genomes and how these belie the possibility of a designer.
So, if life is a computer code, not only does it write itself as its being run , it continually drops huge piles of its accumulated code without any apparent corrections. I think Olivier and Monterey jack can come up with manymore of these apparent mitakes that make the computer code analogy a kind of logical tautology. Im not sure , but Ive always had computers crash based on assaults on their anatomy, not from "randomly re-edited software" while I was on line. Usually it could be fixed or at lleast transferred to a new unit which, like a robotic arm, would carry-on like a clone.
I dont think life does that, but I cant be sure about stuff like ants,who, once pupated, each seem to instinctively know their specific function. Thats sorta puter-like. But even ants have opportunistically evolved new forms within our lifetimes.