Quote:Computer software is discrete from its hardware. It can and does exist independently. In its most basic form it's just a pattern of logic gates held in state by electricity.
once again you support my case. This is exactly the same as in biological software. The material matrix, nucleotides, etc making up DNA are never used for anything other than the information it contains. Even in fertilization, the DNA is not used as building material, but only as blueprint. This is of course true of computer software.
Quote:Biological information is intrinsic to its hardware (DNA), so the code and the hardware are essentially one thing.
When the DNA evolves over time due purely to natural physical rules, the information it carries is carried along with it. That's a pretty key difference.
No, they are demonstrably separate entities. The experiment to transplant DNA (software) into a different cell (the hardware) is done routinely. The cell develops into whatever the DNA dictated, the hardware did as it was instructed. This is the factual concept behind the idea of bringing back dinosaurs. If the software were not separate from the hardware the concept would be fiction too. But it’s not.
Haven’t you read all the stories about storing data on DNA? It’s just so good at doing it they are seriously doing research on it.
Your example of mutations being carried along with the DNA goes right along with computer software as well. Have you ever read through the source code of an old piece of software? Man, the history you can read there. Windows 3.1 to Windows 10 would take you a lifetime to read. And as Gates said, that’s primitive compared to DNA.
The bio equivalents to computer viruses and worms is another direct analogy but I won’t belabor the point.
I know you a little from the years we’ve read each other’s posts, I can’t believe you dont already know everything I’ve replied here to be true.
Can you honestly defend your statement that software and hardware are not separate entities in biological life?