"Allah"Allah is telling us that in course of time, there will emerge unbelievers who will make use of this apparent contradiction."
I didn't say I didn't believe, I just asked if Mohammed could add up.
So how many days = 1 epoch? Lets at least get the units right.
"Allah says in the beginning of this verse that those who exploit this information contained in this passage to raise doubts about its authenticity are equally interested in promulgating blasphemy and denying His unity."
So if you point out what appears to be a simple logical error, you are equally guilty of blasphemy?
ok forget the addition, it REALLY REALLY is not important.
How do you answer the contradiction between free will and predestination?
Free Will or Predestination?
The omnipotence of God is everywhere asserted in the Koran; man's will is totally subordinate to God's will to the extent that man cannot be said to have a will of his own. Even those who disbelieve in Him, disbelieve because it is God who wills them to disbelieve. This leads to the Muslim doctrine of predestination which prevails over the doctrine of man's free-will, also to be found in the Koran. As Macdonald says, " the contradictory statements of the Kuran on free-will and predestination show that Muhammad was an opportunist preacher and politician and not a systematic theologian."
Note these are not my original ideas so please dont threaten me with fatwah or the like.