Joe Nation wrote:Well, are we going to make the list of Gods or not? Do I have to do everything myself?
I didn't realise we were supposed to be making a list of Gods, but okay, here is my humble offering to begin with.
Aakuluujjusi, Abassi, Adnoartina, Allah, Altjira, Anansi, Antinous, Anubis, Aphrodite, Apis, Apollo, Apophis, Ares, Athena, Azrail
Baal, Baast, Balder, Brigid, Bumba, Bunyip
Calypso, Chantico, Chronos, Coatlicue
Daghda, Danu, Dao, Dionysis
Einganga, Elegua, Eshu
Gaia, Ganymede, Guan-yu
Hades, Hel, Hera, Hermes, Horus, Huitzilopoctl
Jehovah, Jesus, Jupiter
Kane, Kokopelli, Kwatee
Logos, Lokii, Lugh
Mars, Mazda, Medb, Mercury, Mictlan, Mielikki, Mithras
Obatala, Odin, Olorun, Orisha, Osiris
Poseidon, Ptar
Satan, Serapis, Set, Sobek, Sokar, Sophis
Tane, Tezcatlipoca, Thor, Thoth, Tiki, Tlaloc
Uenuku, Ulopoka
Vainamoinon, Venus
Wakan-Tanka, Wandjina
Yahweh, Yemaya
Zeus, Zhao-Gongming
Ummmm..... That's all I can think of, most are from memory so forgive the bad spelling.