Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2022 03:19 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Uhhh, yes I can. A life begins when a fetus starts to live inside the body. Before our "modern" laws, hurting a woman enough that she loses her baby was considered murder, and punished the same way as an adult.

And, an election is over when you don't cheat to get a result.
Anything is fair game when in the middle of the night, states like Georgia and Pennsylvania suddenly go blue. You see, in this world Karma is real, and she's a bitch.

As Region's meme said...


Thanks for going out of your way to prove it.
Region Philbis
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2022 05:59 am
@Frank Apisa,

fox "news" told them there was widespread voter fraud, despite lack of evidence, so obviously it must be true... Rolling Eyes
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2022 07:05 am
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:

fox "news" told them there was widespread voter fraud, despite lack of evidence, so obviously it must be true... Rolling Eyes


I've given up trying to treat them with a bit of respect. They get all the contempt they deserve.
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2022 07:24 am
@Frank Apisa,
He said I can't.

But I proved that I could.

I think he meant "You may not..."
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2022 07:27 am
@Frank Apisa,
Yes, you do get all the contempt you deserve.

It's a known fact (even among liberals) that cheating was going on. But they want so much to "win" that they refuse to admit it.

So how has "winning" under Biden been working out for ya? You like that higher gas, long waits for new cars, and more regulations?
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2022 07:57 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

He said I can't.

He didn't say it...the meme said it. Try to keep up.

But I proved that I could.

And in doing so, you showed you are a screw-up.


I think he meant "You may not..."

You think??? C'mon!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2022 07:58 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yes, you do get all the contempt you deserve.

It's a known fact (even among liberals) that cheating was going on. But they want so much to "win" that they refuse to admit it.

So how has "winning" under Biden been working out for ya? You like that higher gas, long waits for new cars, and more regulations?

Trump cannot acknowledge that he is a loser...but he is a loser, nonetheless.

Trump's continued supporters are losers also.

Having Biden rather than four more years of Trump is one of the greatest things ever to happen to America.
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2022 12:49 pm
@Frank Apisa,
...That's three times you mentioned Trump in a response, where I didn't bring him up directly.

Everyone else is on the same page that Biden is passing laws and such right now, whether or not he is legit. Meanwhile, you seem not to have gotten over the election before our most recent. The one out of touch with what is currently happening is you, not me. And that's kinda sad because I rarely read the news.

You should seek mental help for that Trump Derangement.
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2022 01:33 pm
Truer words were never spoken. "And that's kinda sad because I rarely read the news."
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2022 11:14 pm
Yeah, it is.

People who read the news shouldn't be dwelling on a president that happened a term ago in order to delude themselves over what things are like today.

Or are you guys unaware that from what news I did read, about 2/3 of the country hate the guy you're ignoring.
66 percent of Americans said they doubted whether Biden was “a leader you can trust,” a number that included 92 percent of Republicans, 75 percent of independents and 36 percent of Democrats.

Since most Americans don't get percentages, I'll break it down into fractions. Over 9/10 of Republicans hate the guy, over 3/4 of Independents, but it's fine because Democrats... over 1/3 of them hate him too.

And probably more, if they weren't in denial, choosing to blame Trump instead.
For most of the past 50 years, about 1 in 10 people have described themselves as unhappy. In 2021, 1 in 4 say they are unhappy. Typically, almost 1 in 3 say they are “very happy,” and now less than 1 in 5 do. The happiness index is falling like a stone. People are depressed.

Let me count the ways. First, there is isolation and loneliness from lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions. Then there is out-of-control crime and a significant rise in business failures (from lockdowns), both clearly associated with depression. People are still worried about their health two years into the pandemic that Biden promised to shut down. The border is out of control.

Then there is the financial stress on families from everything being more expensive. The “woke” movement has people feeling like they are tied inside a social straitjacket. Nothing is funny anymore. People are afraid to laugh at anything for fear of offending someone somewhere.

But here’s what’s most interesting about the results of the happiness survey. The people with the most significant happiness deficiencies are Democratic voters. Liberals are miserable. Only 1 in 6 Democratic voters say they are “very happy.” Almost twice as many Republicans say they are “very happy.”

Twice as miserable as the population, even though they got what they were supposed to have wanted. So, lemme ask you. Both of you, glitter and Frank.

Are you happy?

All this fixating on climate, on abortion, on LGBT rights, on whatever else I haven't thought of. It just seems like it's all conditional happiness. "If only conservatives like bulma would see that 'the planet' is important, more important than his/her life, I would be happy" OR "If only women were allowed unlimited abortions, then I'd be happy" OR "If only all these religious types could see the truth, then I'd be happy."

But are you happy? Really happy? Or is it conditional that something else goes right?

Frank has told me that he's happy. But I kinda... don't believe him.

Amid the dark days of the pandemic, I traveled to New York, California and Florida. New York and California were zombie zones. If people saw you on the street walking toward you, they would lift their masks and swerve so as not to get anywhere near you. They would scowl or look away.

In Florida, people got on with their lives. They took reasonable health precautions, but they got out. You could tell that Floridians were happier than New Yorkers and Californians. It made New Yorkers and Californians all the more miserable and indignant when they saw pictures and videos of the Floridians who were not planted in their living rooms in the fetal position. Some were even partying on the beaches — swimming, laughing, drinking, mingling. How dare they? And the final insult for the triply depressed liberals was that the Floridians had death rates from the virus that were no different from those living in the liberal states that outlawed fun and most human activity.

I went to Florida too. It was part of what made me question COVID rhetoric, when I saw firsthand people on a beach not following the science, yet nobody was so much as sneezing.

So I feel sad, but not really for myself. Even though I have no income, no significant other, and no real sense of belonging. I feel incredibly sad for people who have what probably is supposed to make me fulfilled, but who are miserable as hell because of someone who isn't even in office.

Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2022 01:21 am
Flat Earther, what do you expect?

It's like a whole new level of stupidity and ignorance.

Keep informed read the news, or you'll turn into one of those things.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2022 06:48 am
This is classic deflection.

Someone asks a question, "They're a flat Earther."

Yes but the answer to the question? Maybe some other day on some other thread, I'll entertain flat Earth theories, but I legit wanna know if any of you are actually happy.

"But but, flat Earth!"

Yeah no, answer the question.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2022 06:53 am
I once told Max I only spoke to those with ape like intelligence or higher.

That still applies.

Max just made it, but Bulma hasn't got a hope or a prayer.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2022 08:35 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Yeah, it is.

People who read the news shouldn't be dwelling on a president that happened a term ago in order to delude themselves over what things are like today.

Or are you guys unaware that from what news I did read, about 2/3 of the country hate the guy you're ignoring.
66 percent of Americans said they doubted whether Biden was “a leader you can trust,” a number that included 92 percent of Republicans, 75 percent of independents and 36 percent of Democrats.

Since most Americans don't get percentages, I'll break it down into fractions. Over 9/10 of Republicans hate the guy, over 3/4 of Independents, but it's fine because Democrats... over 1/3 of them hate him too.

And probably more, if they weren't in denial, choosing to blame Trump instead.
For most of the past 50 years, about 1 in 10 people have described themselves as unhappy. In 2021, 1 in 4 say they are unhappy. Typically, almost 1 in 3 say they are “very happy,” and now less than 1 in 5 do. The happiness index is falling like a stone. People are depressed.

Let me count the ways. First, there is isolation and loneliness from lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and travel restrictions. Then there is out-of-control crime and a significant rise in business failures (from lockdowns), both clearly associated with depression. People are still worried about their health two years into the pandemic that Biden promised to shut down. The border is out of control.

Then there is the financial stress on families from everything being more expensive. The “woke” movement has people feeling like they are tied inside a social straitjacket. Nothing is funny anymore. People are afraid to laugh at anything for fear of offending someone somewhere.

But here’s what’s most interesting about the results of the happiness survey. The people with the most significant happiness deficiencies are Democratic voters. Liberals are miserable. Only 1 in 6 Democratic voters say they are “very happy.” Almost twice as many Republicans say they are “very happy.”

Twice as miserable as the population, even though they got what they were supposed to have wanted. So, lemme ask you. Both of you, glitter and Frank.

Are you happy?

All this fixating on climate, on abortion, on LGBT rights, on whatever else I haven't thought of. It just seems like it's all conditional happiness. "If only conservatives like bulma would see that 'the planet' is important, more important than his/her life, I would be happy" OR "If only women were allowed unlimited abortions, then I'd be happy" OR "If only all these religious types could see the truth, then I'd be happy."

But are you happy? Really happy? Or is it conditional that something else goes right?

Frank has told me that he's happy. But I kinda... don't believe him.

Amid the dark days of the pandemic, I traveled to New York, California and Florida. New York and California were zombie zones. If people saw you on the street walking toward you, they would lift their masks and swerve so as not to get anywhere near you. They would scowl or look away.

In Florida, people got on with their lives. They took reasonable health precautions, but they got out. You could tell that Floridians were happier than New Yorkers and Californians. It made New Yorkers and Californians all the more miserable and indignant when they saw pictures and videos of the Floridians who were not planted in their living rooms in the fetal position. Some were even partying on the beaches — swimming, laughing, drinking, mingling. How dare they? And the final insult for the triply depressed liberals was that the Floridians had death rates from the virus that were no different from those living in the liberal states that outlawed fun and most human activity.

I went to Florida too. It was part of what made me question COVID rhetoric, when I saw firsthand people on a beach not following the science, yet nobody was so much as sneezing.

So I feel sad, but not really for myself. Even though I have no income, no significant other, and no real sense of belonging. I feel incredibly sad for people who have what probably is supposed to make me fulfilled, but who are miserable as hell because of someone who isn't even in office.

Okay, so you are not happy...and it actually looks as though you are unhappy.

I am happy (I am content)...and you seem to "believe" I am not.

All I can say is that I accept that you are not happy...and reiterate that I am.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2022 08:44 am
I also thumb down those who quote Bulma in entirety.

I don't want to read Bulma at all, even when he's being handed his arse.
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2022 03:39 pm
Who says I am? He handed me nothing.

He just succeeded in pissing you off by quoting me.

As for you, @FrankApisa, you are the most unhappy "happy" person that I have ever seen. You can't be so happy if your happiness requires the suffering of other people. Being fixated on Trump being impeached or put on trial, wanting people put in prison for resisting an election. Dude, literally everyone hates an election. That's not a crime or anything.
There were actual violent protests during the 2016 election. No drama ensued. No "most violent protest EVARRRR" they just forgot about it.
You say you are happy and/or content, but your happiness depends on stuff. I have no income, I have no significant other, no fame, and no power. I live with my parents. You say I am not happy, for after all, what do I have to be happy about? Yet I don't need people to be arrested or punished in order to be happy. I don't need for some stupid climate change policy, for other people to follow the science, or some leader to be put in office. Look at you guys. Your "messiah" was put in power, and you are still whining about the other guy needing to be crucified.
This is how you are not happy. Your happiness depends on other people or on some event. It depends on things. Actually being happy means that you are content, weal or woe. And that is why I feel sad for you.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2022 01:55 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Who says I am? He handed me nothing.

He just succeeded in pissing you off by quoting me.

As for you, @FrankApisa, you are the most unhappy "happy" person that I have ever seen. You can't be so happy if your happiness requires the suffering of other people. Being fixated on Trump being impeached or put on trial, wanting people put in prison for resisting an election. Dude, literally everyone hates an election. That's not a crime or anything.
There were actual violent protests during the 2016 election. No drama ensued. No "most violent protest EVARRRR" they just forgot about it.
You say you are happy and/or content, but your happiness depends on stuff. I have no income, I have no significant other, no fame, and no power. I live with my parents. You say I am not happy...

YOU say you are not happy. YOU say you are not content.

I do not give a **** whether you "believe" I am happy and content...or whether or not I need things in order to be those things. You are a guy who "believes" the Earth is flat. Your "beliefs" are only interesting to people with an intellectual level of 5 years old.
I AM a reasonably happy, content a reasonably happy, content life. One does not lie about that. It is even possible that one cannot lie about that.

Give it a try. Tell me you are a happy, content person. Try lying about it.

... for after all, what do I have to be happy about? Yet I don't need people to be arrested or punished in order to be happy. I don't need for some stupid climate change policy, for other people to follow the science, or some leader to be put in office. Look at you guys. Your "messiah" was put in power, and you are still whining about the other guy needing to be crucified.
This is how you are not happy. Your happiness depends on other people or on some event. It depends on things. Actually being happy means that you are content, weal or woe. And that is why I feel sad for you.

You "feel sad" because you are an unhappy person.

Try to grow up.
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2022 06:46 am
@Frank Apisa,
Again deflecting toward flat Earth. That's a goto distraction, knowing that I'm eager to distract myself as an ADHD person. But I've already told you why flat Earth works, whereas you've never managed to come up wirh a disproof that isn't based on consensus (peer pressure) thinking.

Unless you can prove my beliefs wrong, they could be spot-on.
I see a deeply disappointed person who uses a hefty dose of self-delusion to get through the day. "I outgrew religion", you say, after working for the Catholic church or whatever. Yeah uhhh, you can't outgrow something you're committed to. Take it from someone who still watches anime and plays video games, things you actually like you don't really outgrow, not unless you believe other people who tell you you're childish. People with self-worth don't care what others think.
If you were actually committed to the church, you would still be there, but there is something you are not telling us. And that is what I see, a man far too old to be a slave to peer pressure endlessly fixated on what other people think.

Yes, sometimes I think I'm not happy. But you know, now that I've thought about it, I could be trapped worrying about stuff like that. I could be you. I'm mostly just lonely not unhappy. I don't need to lie about being happy, like you do. I know when I'm depressed and I know when things fill me with joy.

Poor choice of words. I feel sad for you, because I feel pity for you.
You didn't grow up. Growing up is not setting aside things because other people disapprove. Children do that when bullied by adults, it's not part of growing up. Growing up is owning your own decisions, and learning to be happy with them. It is the antithesis of being miserable because you had to give up what people disapprove of, it is being secure in your own skin. And I'm not there yet, but I know the path. You have gone in the wrong direction, all this time.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2022 08:39 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Again deflecting toward flat Earth. That's a goto distraction, knowing that I'm eager to distract myself as an ADHD person. But I've already told you why flat Earth works, whereas you've never managed to come up wirh a disproof that isn't based on consensus (peer pressure) thinking.

Unless you can prove my beliefs wrong, they could be spot-on.
I see a deeply disappointed person who uses a hefty dose of self-delusion to get through the day. "I outgrew religion", you say, after working for the Catholic church or whatever. Yeah uhhh, you can't outgrow something you're committed to. Take it from someone who still watches anime and plays video games, things you actually like you don't really outgrow, not unless you believe other people who tell you you're childish. People with self-worth don't care what others think.
If you were actually committed to the church, you would still be there, but there is something you are not telling us. And that is what I see, a man far too old to be a slave to peer pressure endlessly fixated on what other people think.

Yes, sometimes I think I'm not happy. But you know, now that I've thought about it, I could be trapped worrying about stuff like that. I could be you. I'm mostly just lonely not unhappy. I don't need to lie about being happy, like you do. I know when I'm depressed and I know when things fill me with joy.

Poor choice of words. I feel sad for you, because I feel pity for you.
You didn't grow up. Growing up is not setting aside things because other people disapprove. Children do that when bullied by adults, it's not part of growing up. Growing up is owning your own decisions, and learning to be happy with them. It is the antithesis of being miserable because you had to give up what people disapprove of, it is being secure in your own skin. And I'm not there yet, but I know the path. You have gone in the wrong direction, all this time.


You would do well to visit a farm, Bulma. You will see that there are many cows...and usually only one bull.

Your work needs more cow.
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2022 09:11 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You calling me gay?

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