Thu 3 Mar, 2005 10:30 pm
Not having gone back into the mists of time, I'm not sure if a thread on this has been done before. If so, pardon me.
I'll go first. If you're retired now, what kind of work did you do for most of your working life?
I'm an electric and gas meter reader. Have been for about 18 years or so. I also did an inventory clerk job for 13 years with same company.
Fortunately, I get to retire next year and I'll see the back of it all.
Hi Reyn
I was a wood machinist for five years after dropping out of university.
Then I was a barman, doorman, snooker room attendant at a suburban club for a couple of years. Then I worked on a ski resort as a waiter for a year. Then I was a kitchenhand for three years while I studied. Then I was a research assistant at a Uni. Then I was a librarian. Then I was a systems librarian. Then I was an information technology officer at the same uni. Then I was a systems librarian somewhere else. Then I managed web services in a small govt agency but did heaps of hands on stuff like ASP programming and listserv admin.
Now I'm unemployed again, having moved interstate. Anyone need a dilettante information manager?
I've been a waitress, store clerk, payroll inspector in a payroll company, machine and computer operator in a bank office building, a cook, did assembly is a few factories, a bartender, worked in a large photo lab, was a general contractor, owned my own taxi, and now I'm a home school teacher.
And of course my most important job has been being a mom and dad.
I have mostly been a teacher of art & media. But have have done a few different jobs, too, like barmaid, box office lady & waitressing. A BIG chunk of time was was spent as an (unpaid) community radio person, some years back. I consider this sort of long-term commitment is just as important as paid work.
after school i worked as a framer (paintings, posters, photos), for about ten years, then worked seven years in a factory that manufactured silicone sealing systems (on the line, mixing silicones and quality control) and for the last seven years have worked in a greenhouse (hydroponic tomatoes) as a worker, material handler, and for the last few years as assistant grower
Ive been a waitress, a barmaid, a sales assistant in a toyshop and now a receptionist where Im so busy I can post on forums all day.
Id love to be a clothes designer.
I started out doing content management for a website, then picked up the other things here: newsletters/mailinglists, organising meetings, writing funding applications, project development, concept-development of new websites, stuff like that. For an NGO. The new job I'll start soon will be as website manager / researcher.
As a student and shortly after I also worked as waiter, barman, mailman, orderpicker, filling store supplies, all kinds. Did some volunteer work too.
Hey MsOlga, you worked in community radio? Cool!
You've got by far the most intimidating job of us all, G. ...
As in, I'm pretty intimidated when you talk about it! Man!
But I never talk abt it !!
the prince wrote:But I never talk abt it !!

Yeah you do! Whole thread about your promotion and stuff! Made us all feel vicariously important ... ;-)
nimh wrote:Hey MsOlga, you worked in community radio? Cool!
Yep, nimh. For something like 8 years. I loved it but it was really time consuming. Like about 10 extra hours pw, researching, interviewing & presenting. I became quite the propagandist for the cause of good!
I've been a cooks assistant, store clerk (various times!) , pet store manager, sales assistant at a printing company, and now I am a sales assistant in Ad Sales for a cable network.
Not a glory job but I've just started in the industry so gotta pay those dues!
Wow! Thanks all who have posted so far. A nice variety of jobs....and that's how I look at what I do....a job, not a "career". Strictly a way to pay the bills.
The thing is that being a meter reader can be quite dangerous. Recently I just suffered a dog bite.
I know with some customer service jobs, like store clerk, etc, you have to put up with a lot of guff from customers who seem to have nothing but time on their hands. So, I appreciate those who have had to do that line of work.
msolga wrote:Yep, nimh. For something like 8 years. I loved it but it was really time consuming. Like about 10 extra hours pw, researching, interviewing & presenting. I became quite the propagandist for the cause of good!

What kind of station was it, like, an activist type thing or more a neighbourhood-sense thing?
We organised a network of minority community media here (both national and European), and those are sometimes involved in the broader community media movement ... Do you know about AMARC and
Voices Without Frontiers / Voix Sans Frontieres?
I am an Admissions Coordinator/Receptionist... my job is so cheap that I am doing two jobs... I have soo much work to do, but don't bother doing it all... they can wait... instead I come here and chat!! But shhh.. don;t tell
I'm a contract analyst for an oil company.
In a previous incarnation, I was a union stage manager in professional theatre (see profile).
CrazieLady, I hope that's something like student admissions... Not hospital!