Goodness, you've all had very interesting careers. Since we're giving our Curriculum Vitae (as opposed to just a resume), this is all I've done, which really isn't that much:
Assistant Bookeeper (ages 5 - 10 -- my father desperately wanted me to be an accountant. I had other ideas. But I can still do my own taxes, thank you very much. Well, until this year, anyways...)
Drug Store Counter Girl (age 16) -- my first paying job. I was not allowed to work until then, as my parents wanted me to put school first.
Discount Store Clerk (age 17 - 18) -- moving up in the world. I still have a t-shirt and dress from the discount store where I worked, that I wear as "home clothes" now.
College Radio DJ
Entertainment Reporter/Editor for University Newspaper (Glendon College, York University, class of 1992)
Over the summers, I worked for my dad at his business, doing reception and bookeeping and the like. I took a year off after my undergrad degree (in Linguistics) and worked full-time as a bookkeeper and A/P Clerk until I got my big break in the entertainment industry.
I worked at SOCAN (Canada's ASCAP/BMI/SESAC) for almost four years, and completed one year of my Master's Degree. Then due to personal reasons, I could not finish my Master's. Will I go back? Maybe. I'm not sure now. I might just wait until Mezzie has his PhD, and then maybe he can be my MA Thesis professor, or at least recommend a good one :wink: .
Then I moved up in the world. I worked for the music publishing division of Canada's major film production company (at the time) for three years. From there, I went over to film and television production at another company which has since been absorbed into one of Canada's largest multimedia companies. I don't want to give names, because I'll just tell you I cannot get you a job in Television, so please don't send me your head shot, unless you want me to have way too much fun with Photoshop.

I now work in the legal department, as a Legal Ass(as I like to abbreviate it)istant. I must say though that right now I have a wonderful boss who has been nothing but spectacular with me for the past month and a half. I might not like the actual work that we have to do, but I do like my job and I love the people I work with. Will I get a Law Degree? Sure, if you're buying...
Oh yes, and I'm also the wee Cav's mum, and I did do my service hours and some courses en route to becoming a sommelier. I do not have my designation (if you have the cash for me to take the course and fail the exam -- it has a 2% pass rate -- I'll take that from you, too

), so I'm just your run of the mill wine enthusiast. Or I can be, on a moment's notice.
And I am an historian, as guardian of Cav's legacy. That's definitely the most important job I have now, aside from being the wee Cav's mum.