Student admissions... I work at a school. used to work at a hospital though
Oh, yeah. Me too. Forgot that in my list. Worked as a unit clerk in the ICU's at a university hospital. Mostly Neuro, but also covered surgery, burn and thoracic as needed.
I have been a desk clerk at a hotel, did the fast food also when I was a teenager, store manager for a video company, movie 'productions' ( for about 2 years... not main stream movies ) , Auto glass installer for a year, Lab tech, er/trauma nurse, and a few other moonlighting jobs.
I am a nurse, I have been so for 9 years. I specialize in alzheimers/elderly care.
But right now, I have a more important , pressing job. Stay at home mommy. :-)
As a member of a religious order,
high school English teacher, camp counsellor, youth worker
As a layman,
bank teller, telephone co. service rep., computer programmer, test engineer
On the side,
youth soccer coach, rel. ed. teacher, webmaster
Arms dealer, primarily working with latin-armerican countries, Jeffry Dahlmer sold arms to Iraq, I sell Uzis and tactical thermo-nuclear devices to Cubans.
dyslexia wrote:Arms dealer, primarily working with latin-armerican countries, Jeffry Dahlmer sold arms to Iraq, I sell Uzis and tactical thermo-nuclear devices to Cubans.
Can you get me some cigars?
In between chores at home growing up we learned how to run a saw, bang a nail and drive a screw. How to re-wire a lamp or a wall switch. How to hang wallpaper, paint a fence or the filigree running around the porches. One never said anything about being bored or having nothing to do for fear you'd find yourself in the cellar washing out the two hundred canning jars or helping to sort out the clothes donation for the "poor" families across town.
I was volunteered for my worst job: Stacking bricks, two at a time, into ten foot by five foot rectangles six foot high. No money, just helping a neighbor friend of dad's. My hands bled right through the gloves.
First job for pay: age 8, lawnmower. Not my dad's, we got fed and watered for that, this was real pay for a real job.
Strawberry picker (three cents a quart)**
Blueberry picker (five cents a quart)**
Tomato Picker (fifty cents a bushel)**These don't count because Mom not only took the fruits of our labors, she took the money too.
Paperboy (winters in Connecticut and summers I did this and...)
Tobacco field worker (ten cents a bint, good day was $3. then go throw the paper route...)
Doughnut Shop (Fryer, Cutter, Dresser and Packer)
Factory worker - appliances (assembler, oven operator)
Grocery Store -Produce Department go-fer (First Union Job)
College Student Actor
Musician and Poet (does getting paid in sandwichs count?)
Folksinger and political commentator ($13.00 for 40 minute set, Back Bay Boston, 1965)
USAF Intelligence Coordinator 6948th Security Squadron (1967-71)
Agitator, Thee Coffe House, San Angelo, Texas
Community organizer
Volunteer Probation Officer Tom Green County, Texas
Folk Singer, comic, O'Henry's Tulsa
Writer, International Teaching Tapes
Tape duplicator, audio mixer
Voice talent, same as above
KTUL-tv, Writer, Director, On-air Talent, News Tech Director, audio mixer
Unemployment Compensation Counselor (Great place to look for a job)
Purchasing agent
Sales: you name it. Furniture, rental sales and new; accounting services.
Tulsa Chamber of Commerce Membership Sales.
Radio Shack, sales and management
Hardware and Home Improvement Store Manager
Writer, scold and imp but only for your applause because I'm a blockhead.
Joe("Only a blockhead would write these days without getting paid")Nation
I am the reincarnation of Sigmund Freud.
Roughly in order:
Volunteer at daycare (~9, my idea)
Volunteer at zoo (~14-16)
Frozen yogurt wench (~17-18)
Movie theater wench (~17-18)
Administrative assistant, cancer research dept (~19-21)
Used bookstore wench (~22-26)
ASL teacher, kindergarten
ASL teacher, community college
ASL teacher, regular college (all 3 at the same time, ~24-26)
Published illustrator (still get royalties! :-) ~25)
Deaf services coordinator (~25-26)
Director, deaf service agency (26-29)
Stay-at-home mom (29-present)
Online consultant (paid) (29-30)
CSUN consultant (paid)(29-30)
President of charter school initiative (volunteer)(~30-31)
Education delegate for deaf organization (volunteer) (~29-31)
Fundraising coordinator for deaf organization (volunteer)(~31-33)
Just started a job search -- a few nibbles, nothing definite yet.
I'm a Civil Servent...recently transferred to a Job Centre nearer home (Didsbury, manchester). I am the manager of Jobseeker's Allowance section (unemployment) I qualify as having the most safe, 'penpushy-type' job?
I'm wild at heart though!
Claim to fame: at my last post I was banned from a whole floor of the building (third - managers) for being too noisy...<smorgs chest puffs with great pride> :wink:
nimh wrote:msolga wrote:Yep, nimh. For something like 8 years. I loved it but it was really time consuming. Like about 10 extra hours pw, researching, interviewing & presenting. I became quite the propagandist for the cause of good!

What kind of station was it, like, an activist type thing or more a neighbourhood-sense thing?
We organised a network of minority community media here (both national and European), and those are sometimes involved in the broader community media movement ... Do you know about AMARC and
Voices Without Frontiers / Voix Sans Frontieres?
I know a bit & am now about to learn more, nimh!
Melbourne is a very community radio city!

I has been for quite a number of years now. You can take your pick about which variety to become involved in: Music (all varieties from nostalgia to the last word in cool

), local community issues, etc, etc .... I chose the political activist variety. It was was quite an experience: all varieties of trade unions, gay rights, Aboriginal rights, environmental issues, womens' issues, alternative news, international politics/rights, etc, etc ..... I learned so much from others during that time! You could find yourself making a cup of coffee next to a Central American activist, a wharfie or a Friend of the Earth, etc .... And of course, switchboard duty, cleaning & station duty were all part of the deal. That place kept me so busy! And you can just imagine the in-house debates on policy & practice! :wink:
I'm very impressed with the resumes that have been posted! Me, I've basically been working for the same company since 1974.
Anybody getting close to retirement of some sort?
That sounds really cool msolga. I've never been at one of the meetings of our community radio network - I do the other network, the minority ngo's who do monitoring research and stuff. Those generally be kind of shy, polite people my age, but the community radio network on the other hand, I gather from my colleague, is quite the collection of folks <grins>. The after-meeting dinners and drinks are apparently much more fun, but the meetings ... well les just say nobody wants to chair those ;-)
I chaired community meetings on building/land use issues and, let's just say, I'm still resting, some years later.
waitress in college town restaurant--served Lewis Grizzard.
department store salesperson
owner/operator of in-home day care (three precious children my daughter's age)--
Nursing home attendant (hardest job in the world--quitted very soon) (remembers, pulls hair, screams, falls down...)
Nurses' assistant in the State Mental hospital--Forensics Unit. (the stories...)
Chair of Publicity Committee, PTA--had my copy read on a local TV show...<smiles>
My dad's secretary
My mom's sectretary (these two as a teen--dad--real estate development--mom--a broker)
paraprofessional mental health counsellor--
overnight stocker at WalMart (most proud of this one. The best thing I was capable of as I was recovering from a long term, debilitating illness.
owner/operator of tragic restaurant (remembers, pulls hair, bangs head on keyboardhihkl. gfc8yieGX, falls down)
Student Worker in Registrar's Office at community college
Papergirl/aspiring photographer
Busgirl/waitress/bartender/aspiring photographer
Fancy-schmancy pastry chef/aspiring photograper
Bookseller/aspiring photographer
(These last three coincided with: student/photgraphy school)
Advertising department of major film processing/printing lab/forlorn photographer
Photographer in someone else's studio
Photographer in my own studio
Partner/investor/photographer in studio and digital goof off/mommy
So I'm a little single minded.
shewolfnm wrote:movie 'productions' ( for about 2 years... not main stream movies )
couldn't you have just put porn
nimh wrote:....but the meetings ... well les just say nobody wants to chair those ;-)
... and with very good reason! All those folk with strong, strong opinions!:wink: