there are gay christian groups? Jeezzee.. where have I been?
Ok, I will start my opinion with this:
I am not christian. I disargee with christianity completely.
You can not be gay and be a christian. The bible clearly states that it is wrong. You can not bend what is written in the bible to meet your thoughts and your life. You either follow what the book teaches or not.
Noone I know does this. There isnt a single christian I know that is a true christian. If there are people who follow the bible completely , they are so few and far between it is unreal. Alot of people claim to be true christians..

even when they are thinking nasty rude , judgemental thoughts about people. Even when they are engaged in premartial sex, even when they are cheating on thier spouse, .... etc ... etc. etc..
I do not have anything against gay people. I personally wish the world was a safer place for gay people to exist as freely as straight people.. but. that isnt anything to do with my point. ;-)
My point is that you can not be gay and be a real christian. Read the bible. I have read it 3 times. Front to back. I dont know anyone else who has. I am willing to bet people who claim to be ' gay christians' or ' real christians' have never done that themselves.
What I hate about seeing things like ' gay christians' is the thought that christianity is the only religion in the entire world so people who dont fit into its steel walls have to bend the rules so that they do. christianity is the youngest religion to date. So who says it is right? If you are gay, why deny yourself your life by tourmenting yourself with the thought of a god that hates what you do? Alot of gay people are so insecure with themselves an thier sexuality they have to look to a religion to feel better, or to find a forgiveness.. wich is sad. You dont need forgiveness.. ( that is a religious punishment and a method of control ) Self abuse anyone?
( i have opened a huge can of worms.. i may be to chicken to come back to this thread now. ;-)
I make it a point to stay out of these discussions .. so we will see.. )