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Posted on Sun, Feb. 20, 2005
THE OPPENHEIMER REPORT :China's development dwarfs Latin America's
BEIJING -- I came to the People's Republic of China for a 10-day visit to find out how Latin America could best compete with this economically booming country. It took me about 30 seconds to know the answer: Unless it undertakes dramatic reforms, it can't.
From the minute one lands in Beijing, even before one has a chance to be stunned by the capitalist fever that is gripping this country, the monumental dimensions of Beijing's newly remodeled, 38-million-passengers-a-year airport shocks even the most skeptical visitor.
My plane pulled in at Gate 305 -- an eye-opener for someone used to arriving at Gate B-7 of Miami International Airport, which has only 107 gates. But that was only the first surprise.
On the way to my hotel, I saw more high-rise construction cranes than I've ever seen anywhere, let alone in Latin America. There are 5,000 high-rise construction sites in the Chinese capital today -- so many, that the latest joke making the rounds here says you should never blink while in this city, because you could miss a new building's inauguration.
At street level of some of the ultra-modern skyscrapers, there are dealerships of Rolls Royce, Maseratti, Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi, next to Rolex, Armani and Louis Vuitton stores.
I asked my taxi driver to stop in front of some of these car dealerships, convinced that they were representative offices to sell jet engines or tractors to the Chinese government. But no: They were selling luxury cars to rich Chinese. Last year, Mercedes-Benz sold 12,000 cars in China, BMW 16,000 and Audi about 70,000, the government-run China Daily reported recently, with obvious pride.
China's average 9 percent a year economic growth since it began its economic opening 25 years ago is producing a rapidly growing wealthy elite and an expanding middle class, lifting about 250 million people from poverty. If economic growth continues, China's middle class will double by the year 2020, to about 40 percent of the population.
And it shows on the streets, from the glitzy Changan Boulevard to working-class districts.
While 80 percent of China's 1.3 billion population lives in misery in the countryside, city-dwellers in Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities are better dressed than in most world capitals, thanks in part to a thriving black market of pirated brand goods. The Chinese have replaced the Mao uniform with the imitation Armani suit.
What is China doing that Latin America has failed to do? I asked every Chinese official and foreign diplomat or businessperson I met here. I heard many answers, but they all boiled down to one thing: China has become competitive in the world race for investments and exports, while Latin America has not.
One striking example: I read in Asian newspapers that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's government had closed down that country's 80 McDonald's restaurants for three days because of alleged tax law violations, while Chávez was denouncing ''savage [U.S.] imperialism'' during a visit to Argentina. Just shortly before, China's official media had triumphantly announced that the board of directors of McDonald's would visit Beijing, meet with top government officials and announce that the company would expand its current 600 stores in China to 1,000 by next year.
In a world where developing countries compete for a limited pool of private investments, China is clobbering Latin America: The $54 billion in foreign direct investments it got last year amounted to about $5 billion more than what all 32 Latin American countries got together, according to United Nations figures. Less than a decade ago, Latin America was way ahead.
While Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela are benefiting from soaring raw material exports to China, companies here are displacing Latin American exporters from the much more lucrative global market of finished goods. Mexico, for instance, has lost significant market share in the United States to China.
Contrary to the generalized belief that multinationals are descending on China just to benefit from its cheap labor -- the often slavelike conditions condoned by the Communist Party in the name of economic progress -- several U.S. business people told me that they had moved here instead because of China's production quality.
One U.S. executive I met in Beijing told me his company had moved from Mexico because its Chinese partners, unlike the Mexicans, reinvested most of their profits in their companies and produced increasingly better goods. Another one I met in Shanghai told me this country's love affair with the market economy is making people work harder, and better.
The fact is, multinational companies are bullish about China because -- ironically -- this communist country is embracing capitalism with a passion. To an outsider, the Chinese government's proclaimed ''socialist market economy'' is a face-saving rhetorical gimmick, or a good way of justifying an economic opening without giving up its one-party totalitarian rule.
In an interview at his office, Zhou Xi-an, deputy director of China's powerful National Development and Reform Commission, told me that 30 percent of China's economy is still in state hands, 10 percent is in collective hands and 60 percent is in ''nonpublic'' hands, China's euphemism for the private sector.
''The private sector has become the main driving force for economic development, and the major source of employment,'' Zhou told me.
Recalling a figure I had read recently, I asked, is it true that you will privatize another 100,000 state-owned companies within the next five years? ''No. The figure will be much higher,'' the official responded, matter-of-factly.
Jiang Shixue, a top academic of the Institute of Latin American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a think tank for the Chinese government, told me he has recently completed a book comparing the development of East Asia and Latin America, and concluded, among other things, that ''the outward model'' pursued by East Asia for the past several decades ``is superior to the inward-looking model.''
''Theories should be updated from time to time,'' Jiang told me. ``The dependency theory [of blaming U.S. imperialism] was very popular in the 1960s, but now we can see that it has become outdated.''
My conclusions: China is in the midst of a capitalist revolution. Granted, many things could go bad in China. The country's 800 million poverty-ridden peasants may rise up in anger over the growing gap between rich and poor, or the fragile Chinese banking system may collapse, taking the country down with it.
And even if there is no such calamity, it's dubious that the second generation of today's Chinese capitalists will be as willing to work as hard as their parents. But in the short term, unless Latin America takes drastic steps to open up its economy and become more competitive, China will widen its lead.
COMING THURSDAY: What is China after in Latin America? Several things: access to raw materials to reduce its dependency on the United States and the Middle East; South-South political alliances to counter U.S. influence, and a backup route to export duty-free to the United States if Washington puts restrictions on Chinese goods.
China's foray into Latin America may be mixed blessing for region
China's success could misguide region's leaders