Thu 24 Feb, 2005 01:41 pm
This may have been asked-and-answered...
I'm at home on slowpoke dialup (it's cheap!). I want to go to page 19 of a 60-page topic. My choices are 1,2,3...58,59,60.
Clicking on 3 gives me 4, going that way i eventually get 1,2,3...7,8,9...59,59,60. Each page takes a longish time to load before I can get to the next number. Is there a way to jump straight to page 19?
there are 10 posts per page.
using the URL of the page, you can extrapolate to get to any page:
p.1 "start=0"
p.2 "start=10"
p.3 "start=20"
therefore p.19 would be "start=180", or 18 full pages of posts...
Go to page 3 of the thread, and look at the address line at the top of the screen. It will end with "start=20". Replace that "20" with "180" and you'll go to page 19.
Make sense?
Ah, I see RP beat me to the explanation!
Thanks, both of you. I understood mac's answer better than yours, RP, but I'm off to that thread now!
Wy wrote:Thanks, both of you. I understood mac's answer better than yours, RP, but I'm off to that thread now!
Some men are barely to be understood - I hear this on a 24/24 - 7/7 basis :wink: