Liberals - Practice Conservative Argument Techniques

Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 11:43 am
Or more simply put, the "L" group doesn't have a clue what will or will not work but rejects group "C"'s plan to develop a plan while advertising that group C's plan won't work.
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 12:08 pm
Actually, the L group does have a clue what will work and Joe (L) Nation has named at least one thing that will work and has described how it will work.

Group C's leadership has pretty much said that their plan won't solve the problem. So they know it won't work, but they want us to buy it anyway.
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 12:21 pm
Or more simply put, the "L" group doesn't have a clue what will or will not work but rejects group "C"'s plan to develop a plan while advertising that group C's plan won't work.

Say what? This finally makes sense. It's all about......

"I'm rubber, you're glue......"

I guess I don't fit in here because I solve problems for a living instead of spending all my time on the playground.

1. define the problem
2. come up with a plan.
3. implement the plan
4. adjust the plan as necessary

If you skip step one and just "plan to develop a plan" for step 2 then trust me, your plan will NOT WORK. It's one thing to fail because you tried hard and it didn't work. It's something completely different to not plan and then complain that it wasn't your fault when it fails. A good plan looks at all the possible pitfalls and PLANS for them. That is my biggest gripe with this administration. They refuse to look at any facts that they don't like. They come up with plans without looking at what the real problem is then refuse to adjust the plan when it obviously is not working. That is a sure recipe for disaster in any project.

"Lets all just pretend that we don't need any supports for a roof. I am sure it will work just fine."

Social Security was created to solve a problem.
1. Problem- old people living in poverty
2. plan - make workers pay benefit to get old people out of poverty
3. implement - SS was passed
4. adust - tax rates and benefits have been changed several times

You don't do step 4 without going back to look at the original problem.
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 02:09 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Or more simply put, the "L" group doesn't have a clue what will or will not work but rejects group "C"'s plan to develop a plan while advertising that group C's plan won't work.

Wow. That's actually 2, 3 and 5 in a single sentence!
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 02:57 pm
Lash wrote:
Let's recap this argument.

A conservative asks what is your plan for Social Security?

wrong. i posted what the existing dem plan was. you ignored it and deflected to the "clintin is a private citizen" position. but if you noticed the dates of the things i posted, he was still the president of the united states.
he even brought it up in the 1999 sotu.

conservatives don't have to like the plan. they can say no to the plan. but they cannot say that there was no democratic plan as i've just shown that there was. previous to the republican plan, by the way.

getting an answer that you don't like is not the same as getting no answer. which is perhaps a new tactic # ? guys ?
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 03:15 pm
But a non-plan, i.e. Clinton's plan, presented as a plan has to have a number somewhere. Bush/GOP has not claimed they have a plan nor have they presented a plan but the liberals say no to their non, un-presented plan. Meanwhile the offer is still on the table to discuss a plan related to allowing the people being able to invest a portion of their social security and it is that yet undiscussed plan to which the liberals have said no.

Okay that's probably more than one number too, but we have lots of numbers. Smile
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 04:06 pm
The plan has been well voiced by republicans in just the last week...

"hey ho, hey ho
social security has got to go"

At least that's honest.
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 05:05 pm
So what number do you assign to the flat out lie?
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 05:26 pm
Man, did this thread get derailed.
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 05:31 pm
nimh wrote:
Yep, Lola - cool tricks they be.

So OK, we're supposed to learn in this thread, so lessee if we can do something like that too.

Choose topic. Global warming! I'm sorry, climate change (how did they get away with that one, eh?). Big problem! Might not affect us in thirty years (actually it will, but lets keep the SS analogy up) - but we wont let those reckless wait-and-seeers gamble with the future of our children! If it looks like its gonna be a problem in 30 years time, we need to tackle it now. And heres how we suggest doing it. Restrict co2 emissions. Make economical cars less expensive for the consumer to buy and use, and finance it by making gas-slurping cars more expensive. Limit dependence on foreign oil, develop -

No, wait <stops himself>. Heed lesson 23a): only propose one, simple solution. Dont confuse the discussion by proposing a network of solutions. Choose one catchphrase.

OK: the one solution - make buying/driving fuel-economical cars cheaper, and gas-gulpers more expensive. Now for the catchphrase, you need to ignore the part that may sound bad (increasing taxes on gas-gulping cars) and highlight the part thats positive and advantageous to the consumer's wallet. We want to make a fuel-economy car affordable for everyone! Promote research & development, provide tax incentives (you hear: tax cuts!) - whatever it takes to be a responsible government.

It needs one more spin. The reversal trick. Classic Rove: make the attack you're about to launch on a current institution sound like you're defending it. The attack is of course on the ridiculous fuel habits of Americans. One way or another, those need to be tackled. Many Americans know that, really, but push the thought away because they're afraid tackling it would mean giving up driving (as much as they want or the car they want). So to get them behind your idea, you need to make the attack on those habits sound like a defence of them.

Eg: "We want to make sure than in thirty years time, you'll still be driving!". Cause if we do nothing now, you see, about global warming, then in thirty years there may be some sudden clampdown on cars. We want to prevent that and thus safeguard your right to drive wherever and whenever you want.

OK, thats the sales pitch covered. Now back to the lesson about arguments. Your typical conservative wont like the idea about investing into stuff like electric cars and such hippie stuff. They'll even less like the idea of taxing gas-gulpers or pushing the car industry. So they'll try to stop you - after all, they disagree with you on the problem and the solution. So the cue here is to not let them "change the subject" (ie, propose their own take).

The way to do so: label every attempt they make to say that they dont think the problem is real or that big as irresponsible recklessness, and every attempt they'll make to reject our proposals and propose their own as shameless negativity and obstructionism.

Lets try.

- "To stop our children from facing the costs of climate change, we need to act now. Fuel-economy cars should be affordable for everyone!"

- "But climate change hasn't been proven at all, according to some scientists .."

- "Doing nothing is not an option! We simply will not have you gamble with our children's future, just kinda betting that perhaps it wont be so bad. You may be willing to lean back and take the risk, but we will not sit by and let our children pay the price because we thought it might still last our time. Its our responsibility, when we see a big problem emerging in the future, to tackle it now. We want to make sure that in thirty years time, Americans will still be driving!".

- "But you're being deceptive about what you're setting out to do. You say, "we want to make sure that in thirty years time, Americans will still be driving", but you're decieving us about the costs of your proposal, which will put us into an irresponsable extra debt, plus what you're really on about with this proposal is something wholly different, namely regulating industry."

- "Look, we have an obligation towards the future. We govern not just for ourselves, but also for our children. And we have a vision on how to do so. The conservatives are saying, "no", this is unpractical, "no", that we won't stand for - just no, no, no. But do they have a plan of their own about the issue? They're just putting roadblocks in the way."

- "But thats just because you're proposing the wrong solution! I mean, you're asking the wrong question! Fuel-economy cars won't help - even if everyone would drive one, emissions would still increase over tribleteen point etine percent. And it would harm the tax base and in any case, you shouldn't mess with the workings of the free market. And it isnt even clear that the problem you would create such a risky mess about is even real! No, what we would propose is .."

- "See, they wont even talk about the solutions we put forward! All they say is "no". Folks - we Democrats are for making a fuel-economy car affordable for everyone. Its not that difficult. We simply think it's right - something we need to do. We have a solution - and it may be imperfect still, and we're willing to talk with them about how to go about making fuel-economy cars affordable for everyone. But they dont even want to talk about it! They just try to change the subject..."

Something like that? I'm still kinda awkward at this ... but might I be getting it?

OK, enough play for tonight ... I gotta gets myself to bed ...

For this, nimh I'm giving you a A+ with extra credit. I'm going to copy it and frame it and put it on the bulletin board so everyone can see. It's an example of fine work and is to be emulated.

Very good very good
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 05:41 pm
Bush is using the Madison Avenue technique -- run it up the flagpole and see if it waves. Trouble is, he has other plans for the use of the flagpole. Bend over, everyone.

Bush is using the Madison Avenue technique -- run it up the flagpole and see if it waves. Trouble is, he has other plans for the use of the flagpole. Bend over, everyone.

Here are two fine examples of a liberal argument. When you get sick of it all, tell a good joke, hopefully one that makes the point within the joke. But you can see the problem with using this technique with the conservatives. It requires too much thinking, too much critical thinking, too much appreciation of creativity.

So LW you get an A+ for comic relief. We liberals need it or we'll all go mad.

But it's not a good argument, for the reasons stated above.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 06:22 pm
Privatizers are even having a hard time pretending that they want to strengthen Social Security, not dismantle it. At one of Senator Rick Santorum's recent town-hall meetings promoting privatization, college Republicans began chanting, "Hey hey, ho ho, Social Security's got to go."

Paul Krugman, NYT Feb 25, op-ed page

Don't worry, I already called him and said that he was being called a liar on this site, but then I described who was saying it and we had a good laugh.

Joe(Raise the limits on 401k and IRAs, put that money in your will)Nation

PS I didn't really call him, but then no one called him a liar, just Blatham.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 06:46 pm
Wrong. Liberals say that a person speaking an untruth is a liar. Conservatives understand that there can be a difference between a lie and an untruth. So a conservative is not likely to say "liar" to that misguided gullible person who has been fooled into believing an untruth.

How many college Republicans are in Congress or in the Bush administration anyway? I have not heard one Republican in authority even hint a faint suggestion of dismantling social security. I have heard numerous Democrats accusing Republicans of that.

Many college kids on the other hand do not relish the idea of supporting all us old folks for what looks to them like the rest of their lives. An overhaul of the system now looks very good to them.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 07:34 pm
blatham wrote:
The plan has been well voiced by republicans in just the last week...
"hey ho, hey ho
social security has got to go"
At least that's honest.

Foxfyre wrote:
So what number do you assign to the flat out lie?

Who was the teller of the lie here, or was the speaker speaking, the apparently completely different species of lie, the untruth and thus not guilty of the flat out lie.

Thank you for letting us know that college Republicans are not really Republicans at all, but, just as untruth is as different from a lie as fact from truth, thus they are mere fig newtons of the political world or perhaps they have been studying their Grover Norquist and their Karl Rove both of whom have said on several occasions that Social Security is a burden thrust upon the Republic by FDR and ought to be extinguished as it has no Constitutional basis. (They probably missed the part about "Provide for the General Welfare, but nevermind.)

We shall from now on consult with the proper authorities before assuming something or someone is a Republican worth listening to and whether or not he or she is speaking lies or mere untruths.

Joe(I cannot tell a lie, Father, but here's a bit of untruth....)Nation
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 07:49 pm
Boy you sure read a lot into what isn't said, Joe, and manage to ignore most of what is said. But then that probably merits a number too. Smile
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 08:15 pm
I'm still laughing about this part:
Conservatives understand that there can be a difference between a lie and an untruth.

Here's to you, Foxfyre, one of my poems in a minute:

The thinnest line

How sharp the razor's edge must be,
which cuts untruth from lie
and lays aside the giant beam
which lays inside one's eye.

The layman sees them both as one,
the twins untruth and lie
but savvy people see what's what
and see the great divide.

So now I am all lessoned up
I understand it true
there's a difference vast tween untruth and lie
at least there is to you.

Joe(Please, there's plenty more where that came from) Nation
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 10:20 pm
very good, Joe.........I don't know what number to give that one.....but it was excellent.

Has anyone posted the 14 words not to say from the Luntz memo? They are great. I see that nimh has already read them. I'll post them when I get a chance. We need to practice how to do this. What are the 14 words liberals should never say? That would be fun to write. But in the morning I have to go back to that conference, so it will be tomorrow later.

Here's number one:

1. don't say conservative......... say "Pro pre-enlightenment"
2 ? anybody?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 11:03 pm
The man who thinks that God made Eve
from the famous Adam's rib,
Is he telling what he thinks?
Or is this a fib?

You promise to complete a task
But then it is too late,
Did you err in the goal?
Or prevaricate?

Our best beliefs can oft be flawed,
However hard we try,
If America isn't India,
Did Columbus lie?

If someone thinks a small group
Demonstrates that evil rules
And doesn't mitigate with facts
And fools the other fools. . . .
We can call him liar liar
Dishonest, scheming, cheater, lout!
Or we can be of kinder bent
And grant benefit of doubt.

All lies are not told by liars.
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Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 11:14 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Boy you sure read a lot into what isn't said, Joe, and manage to ignore most of what is said. But then that probably merits a number too. Smile

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Feb, 2005 11:35 pm
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