@Blue Grass 6,
true, but we can fairly easily do a cross check at computing what the ratio of POTASSIUMs actually are in the sample. (K has 3 isotopes present but only one is radioactive). Creationists have never spent any time doing the actual QA to see whether the K is within a realistic ratio defined by the mineral chemistry..
Dont get me wrong, there are several ahortcomings in K dating including the fact that, due to branching decay paths, we aint quite certain about the decay constant. Also the technique relies more n ratios than other means and it can cause problems of introduced isotopes. eve gone to rely more on 40K/39Ar than 40K/40Ar. (and there are severl means that look at daughter Calcium ratios).
Hence, e dont like to use the technique in really young stuff mANY ARCHEOLOGICAL DATA MAY BE CRAPPY).
But, all in all, we use it knowing the shortcomings.
If you could follow the math, It would be easy to see where several errors can get introduced and, where we have to be careful in lab cleanups and multiple decay pathways.