Id start with finding some really old structures and then fining out where the stone came from. Look at Stonehenge, Kahokia Ill, Chichen Itza or Egyptian temples or Puma Punku or Angkor Wat, or Grecian statues and Roman buildings and see what kind of rock and from what kind of rock they made their pozzoloni( Cement), or did they do something unique to "dry fit" their stone.
Theres 2 kinds of weathering of building stone, chemical and climatological. Both can be overcome by choosing the right dressing by the mason who's doing the building. Limestone and marble are great climate weathering but terrible chemically.marble nd limestones will erode in acid water conditions but stand up to wind and snow really well. Volcanic and other igneous rocks(stuff like granites dont come from volcanoes but are the result of rocks folding and grnite is formed under high pressure as well as temperature, Granites arent too bad if you dont choose those with huge crystal grains . Greenstone melts are terrible weatherers but are building stones used to achieve buildings with a softer greenish hue.
Still, Id start with buildings you recognize . ST Peters basilica in Rome has a "geologic report" produced by the Vatican Observatory geology department. They identify the building stone and its geological name based on an International Stratigraphic Nomenclture.
If youre in the US, most state geological urveys hve reports on the building stone of the state. most of this is no on the web .
So, with this tuff weve given you, you should be quite able to do your homewok.PLEASE dont tell me that this is high school science.