Do I call myself a christian? Only if it will get others off my back, and to avoid conversations about being "saved"

I grew up in NJ in the NE USA, where Catholics predominate, and mind their own bee's wax.
I've lived in Texas for 15 years and love it. EXCEPT for the Baptists that are so incredibly black and white and naive. But, that's another story.
The concept of God is just too huge to be limited to terms like Christian, Jew, Hindu or Snake Handler.
I suppose the closed I could call myself on this planet would be Pagen. Not the Wiccan, Magik, on the fringe of society kind. I feel God in every aspect of nature, as a child, my mind boggled and flew when I got that first inkling of how emmense it all was, the universe, et. al.
Of course evolution is unguided. But I do believe there was and is a force that ignited the spark, and observes. Do I call that God? Again, yes, to avoid debate with someone who has never had an original thought. Inside though, I think of My (Our) Creator.
Do I believe in original sin, the backbone of christianity (is there was no original sin - what did we need Jesus for)
I believe that Jesus was there, preached, and was a pretty cool dude and all, but was he God?
I have never read or heard anything JC said that I haven't heard somewhere else. Nice stuff, but not original.
Anyway - back to the point - They were sisters of st. joseph. I remember one, Sister Willie, would tell us of her upbringing - her family spent some time in China, and weekly the local would host rallies outside the American area protesting the presence of white devils, christians, whatever.
Then, when the organizers went home at the end of the night - the town folk would come over, eat, drink and generally have a good time with the Yanks-
hingehead wrote:Who were these nuns? We have a similar order in Australia called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Love those guys.
Evolution is not guided by the hand of creator, it's not guided at all, it is influenced by the conditions in which an organism finds itself. Admittedly a 'god' could fiddle with the conditions but it seems a very roundabout way to achieve the end for an omnipotent being.
Agree with your sentiment with single celled creatures Chai.
Would you call yourself a christian?
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