^JB^ wrote:Making you see a real China and promoting mutual understanding are the main ideas for which I started this section.
A wise plan, JB which I have been appreciating, too. I like your work and your reasons for starting this. You are kind to offer your window on China and I am glad you mix it up so that we see a greater spectrum of images, even those that have shock value.
Do you know that today, on Easter, we give rabbits special dispensation? The dead rabbit is more shocking because of your timing.
I was sad to see the mine and wondered if anyone realized that while wrecked, the land is not destroyed. Through careful work even that scene of destruction could be made fruitful again, I think. I don't like to think it is throw-away land.
I also wondered about the last photo (of the sluice with garbage). It seemed as though it were surrounded by well-kept buildings. THAT shocked me more than the garbage thrown into the water.