Tue 1 May, 2018 01:39 pm
The EPA recently issued a financial hardship waiver to an oil refinery owned by billionaire Carl Icahn.
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution grants to all equal protection of the laws.
Did the EPA violate the 14th Amendment?
Can we do anything about it?
It is likely that the law that the EPA is granting a waiver to has a provision allowing them to do that, so the EPA is not violating the law.
Can you do anything about it? Sure, vote.
I suppose. Anyhow, I'm so sorry to hear of Icahn's hardships.
Alas, we are increasingly a government of the people, by the lackeys and for the plutocrats. I hope in the near future we are able to achieve enough pushback to re-dress some of the imbalances!
Americans have the government we deserve.
Not until voters vote for others than they have been for their entire life. The majority complain about congress, but they continue to reelect their representative. There's no cure for st.....
It seems some people hate facts. LOL