Quote: Carson's 'research' was crap.
your vast xperience in organic chemistry not withstanding, where do you get your opinions? Im guessing its the same place gunga gets his.
For your information, hen Silent Spring was published , all the ag chemical manufacturers began the same BS about Carson's work. SO Pres Kennedy convened a blue ribbon panel nd theyrepresented a cross section of chem and health sciences . They concluded that Carsons work was spot on. Later expeience, as she predicted resulted in killing of many kinds of qilslife (It was really a broadspectrum killer)
The ag chemical boys were SORTA right in one small area. DDT, doesnt migrate too far in the environment but its breakdown products (like DDE and others , DO migrate until the final organochlorine half life products have Freundlich numbers pretty much like TCE and TCA).
All this while mosquitoes gradually become IMMUNE to the stuff.
Today Some DDT Is used along with multispectra killers to help with mosquitoes that havent already developed immunity)
The concepts pf chemical immunities wasnt well understood till the 1980's .
With CRSPR-cas9 Anapholes nd Aedes may be removed, but Im sure that viuses will transfer to other species by mechanisms weve already come to understand