Mon 24 Feb, 2003 06:07 pm
The Electric Lake
Pulsating and gleaming and mocking the stars,
An electric city is seen atop a hill from afar.
The lights of the city flicker with every breath each inhabitant takes.
Each and all are unaware of being in a dark electric lake.
The lights do not travel yet to furthest reaches they strive:
Each inhabitant pushing against darkness while trying to stay alive.
Not a sound is heard from this electric lake up on the hill away from the din,
But to swim in the middle of it - each soul is its own chagrin.
A certain freedom held captive by unseen bands,
The shackles were made by their own hands.
Every street, every alley, every building and concrete glen,
Measures each movement in this gilded cage for women and men.
While the electric lake mocks the stars, the shadows are less perceptive,
For they mock each woman and man - their creators - a nightly deceptive.
It is said, "He who laughs last, laughs best" - this is true, don't you know?
For the electric lake's shadows laugh with every going to and fro.
Swim in the electric lake if you will. Swim until you turn blue.
But I'll bet dime to doughnuts you haven't a clue, why a shadow laughs behind you?
The days are now twenty-four hours, thanks to a volt and an amp.
And to think it all started with a single electric lamp.
Copyright 2003 "Truemale"
yes, trueman.
An electric lake..high voltage..beware, a virtual shock. I was caught up by the title.
Hi Letty...every night when I'm out there working, I look over the city and it just "looks like" an electric lake...