Hi Guys, I am Michael from Seattle, WA
The whole Jesus son of God and died on the cross for salvation concept confused me so much that I had to seek the truth . I spent years and years studying religion and holy books. I found out that there was a real Christianity that was based on worshipping none but GOD and did not associate anybody with him and that JEsus was the Christ, the Messenger of God to the Jews and the whole world that came down to guide people to the right path. The Jews have done everything to eliminate Jesus ( Peace be upon Him) but the first mission of Jesus PBUH was accomplished and God simply raised him and gave JEsus's image to one of the Jews that was later on crussified. God is able to do everything. He gave the Christ ability to do Miracles to help people following him and giving is image to someone different was a miracle too. Bottom Line, God is not weak and Jesus isn't weak because there was behind him God's will.
Later on the Romans have corrupted the true religion of God. They added the trinity and false stories about Jesus PBUH and after a while the religion of God got completely lost and that is the reason why we see different bibles, different opinions ...etc
Brothers and Sisters, I also found out that God this time sent the Quran ( you should read it to see by your own eyes and not just believe me on that ). God is saying in it that he is protecting it from any corruption and what God said 1400 years ago is still true. There is only one Version Quran that is teaching the Laws and Justice of God that will be witness on all of us in the day of Judgment.
What does 'son of Man' mean?
The reference of SON OF MAN as found in the Bible denotes that Jesus Christ is the son of an exalted Man---God the Father.