50 Years, MLK, and We Are Losing Ground

Reply Sat 7 Apr, 2018 05:12 am
neptuneblue wrote:
The BLM movement has divided us into two groups: one that feels justice has been righteously served and one that feels no justice at all. Freddie Gray was victimized only because he was a drug user and therefore not warranted the basics of human dignity to be thrown into the back of a paddy wagon to meet his destiny.

Most of the police who were charged in his case had nothing to do with the conditions inside the paddy wagon. They were just trying to lynch the police for no reason.

neptuneblue wrote:
Trevon Martin was walking along, accused of being black and shot and killed for it.

Trayvon Martin was violently assaulting a neighborhood watch captain, and was shot in self defense.

neptuneblue wrote:
Tamir Rice causes a lot of controversy because he had what would appear to be a weapon, only it wasn't. And he was a kid.

Why doesn't it matter when a white person is killed this way?
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Reply Sat 7 Apr, 2018 03:03 pm

I remember the first time doubt crept in. I was standing in line in waiting to get into an Obama rally that was being held at Nashua North High School in Manchester, New Hampshire. Even though the New England air was biting at my ears, the energy from the crowd warmed up my spirits and gave me the wherewithal to endure the cold January wind. The excitement was palpable; Hampshirites were fired up and ready to elect America’s first black president. We stood in line for seemingly an eternity, but friendly conversations with fellow believers made the wait and the frigid evening bearable.

It was during this festive occasion that I first thought “what if this is a ploy”. I’ve read about too many change agents from the past who were chewed up and spit out by the very system they spoke against. How is it then, I pondered, that a man, heretofore who few had heard of, was about to shoot up from the ranks of the also-rans to standing toe to toe with the juggernaut that was the Hillary Clinton campaign. I wondered if Obama was being presented to us as a veneer of change in order to prop up a broken system that yet again failed the American people.

I dismissed my own hesitation in a blink of an eye; I was too vested in Obama to ask questions that could crack the foundation of the pedestal I had put him on. This is the problem with idolizing human beings, it becomes impossible to properly assess people’s bonafides the minute we deify them as demigods. This is especially true in the realm of politics; our governance is broken because too many of us have a most unhealthy fixation with our heroes only to belittle people on the “other side” who mirror our predilections when they bow before their partisan golden calves. It’s so much easier to point at the specks in the eyes of others than it is to see the pine tree protruding from our own pupils.

I went on that year to drive myself into a state of physical and emotional exhaustion as I drove from state to state volunteering for the Obama campaign. I was determined to get Barack elected come hell or high water. With each sweat drop that I expended, each door I knocked on and each dollar I invested, the more I disregarded all evidence that Obama was the greatest con job ever foisted on America. I traveled to sixteen states, worked in countless field offices and became an indispensable contributor to Obama’s Virginia constituency director. My enthusiastic efforts on behalf of Obama for America’s were noted, so much so that I was one of the handful of volunteers who was invited to Chicago after his election to help launch Organizing for America.

I spent the next seven years in utter denial as Obama went on to stick a shiv in the back of his supporters in order to aid and abet Wall Street and the banks who criminally bled the planet. The hope and change was hype and craft; as he paid lip service to justice, he paid homage to the larcenists who fleeced millions by giving them trillions in bailouts, Quantitative Easing, Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) and a whole slew of monetary schemes that was the biggest wealth transfer in the history of our nation. Over $14 trillion was gifted to the grifters who played Russian roulette with our savings. When the gun finally discharged, we got the bullet and the trigger pullers got golden parachutes.

It took a walk shrouded by indigence and a bout of homelessness before I realized the true scope of Obama’s malicious economic and foreign policies. Adversity has a way of removing the scales of political tribalism from our eyes; two years shifting from mission to mission and calling the victims of corporatism my neighbors made me realize that both parties are colluding to capitalize fortunes for the 1% and socialize hardship for the rest of us. The only thing that prevents a critical mass of Americans from saying enough and doing away with the duopoly in Washington DC is our proclivity to value grievance above logic.

If there was any justice in this world, both Democrats and Republicans would be targets of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. Instead, too many of us would rather prostrate before icons and contort ourselves into pretzels in order to justify our political heroes. There to fuel these acts of self harm are corporate and partisan hacks who antagonize all sides of the political and socioeconomic divide in order to keep us trapped in a constant state of strife. The people who are given a platform by mainstream media are mostly fatuous blowhards who are paid to gin up conflict and perpetuate the left/right, black/white divides and the endless artificial social constructs that are erected to ghettoize us into the wastelands of identity politics.

I’m sure Obama is a great father and a wonderful person to hang out with, but when it comes to leaders, we must judge them by their actions not their personalities.
The political dog ate its tail two days ago as Democrats went into full meltdown mode. Bernie Sander’s mildest rebukes of Obama’s legacy and the way he rightfully pointed out how Barack lavished Wall Street with fortunes as he showered us with canned speeches elicited an uproar from the neoliberal establishment. How dare Bernie criticize Obama on the day that Martin Luther King was assassinated! Never mind that Obama enhanced the Patriot Act, a program modeled after COINTELPRO where we the people are surveilled by our own government. COINTELPRO was a program instituted by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI that targeted leaders like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and declared war on anyone of note who dared to speak truth to power.

This same program harassed and threatened Martin Luther King for years before he was ultimately assassinated to the great satisfaction of the very establishment voices who are currently praising him as they whitewash King’s legacy. This is of course how pharisees always get rid of prophets; first they crucify truth tellers and then resurrect a caricatured version of their message. The silence of pundits and politicians in the media-politico complex is deafening when it comes to the issues that King gave his life for, how many people in mainstream media are talking about economic inequalities and the way that Martin Luther King was trying to bridge the racial and class divides. You are better off counting the number of times Donald Trump has tweeted something sensible since becoming president.

Bakari Sellers took the cake in a carnival of frauds who tried to tie in Obama insidious policies to Martin Luther King’s legacy. He took to Twitter to defend the First Bank President and use MLK as a human shield against a most modest criticism of Barack’s administration. Bakari noted:

“Y’all can defend Bernie all you want. On #MLK50 his lack of self awareness and arrogance in dismissing #44, is wild. Bernie 2020 died 4/4/18.” ~ @Bakari_Sellers

At the risk of sounding like Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction, well allow me retort. I write this to my brother Bakari and the DNC flunkies who think they have a monopoly on Martin Luther King’s legacy. Contrary to your DNC propaganda and neoliberal talking points, Martin Luther King died standing against the policies that Obama and the Democrats keep pushing. Where King spoke out against wars, Obama unleashed the full might of the military-financial complex against Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia as he droned around the world like a teenager with a sugar high playing on his XBOX. Where King tried to rally public opinion against poverty, Obama exacerbated the wealth gap as his economic policies gave birth to a regression of the bottom 90%’s earning power while the wealth of the neo-aristocracy skyrocketed.

For too long, Democrats and the liberal establishment in media have used the plight and suffering of “black” folks and “minorities” to enrich themselves as they further the very policies that are at the root of the people they dismissively call their base. I write this to African-Americans specifically but really to all Americans, walk away from both parties. The Democrats and corporate bootlickers like Obama and Sellers are no different than the Republican hatemongers like Trump and the GOP establishment. Just because they look like you or echo your anger into the public square does not mean they are for you; after all, the most ruthless overseers during slavery were the same complexion as the people they were lashing. Remember this one thing about the deception of identity politics: skin don’t make one kin and they only let overseers in the master’s house.

Times change but the system of monetizing humans and turning us into assets is still in place. The plantation changed from cotton fields to corporatism and the overseers morphed from thugs in overalls to empty suits wearing Armani boots. They’re still lashing us; both Democrats and Republicans sing together like Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes from the same corporate sheet. In public they disagree, but behind closed doors, both sides of the aisle work in tandem to crack our backs with economic policies that keep putting us into the shackles of debt and indenturing a vast majority of Americans into a life of wage slavery or government dependency.

Malcolm X made observations about the social and political environment of the 1960’s that are just as relevant in our time. He noted that Republicans are like wolves and that Democrats are foxes. Republicans show their teeth and snarl; Democrats show their teeth and smile—in the end both wolves and foxes eat you the same. They only differ in their means but the end is identical. Republicans prefer tilting the playing field to corporations whereas Democrats favor big government. What too many of us don’t realize is that government has been hijacked by the affluence and influence of corporations, in this paradigm government regulation is the same thing as corporate totalitarianism. We are a people who are being governed without consent and conditioned to vote against our economic interests.
Comparing Barack to Martin Luther King is like comparing Nicki Minaj to Rosa Parks. Just because people share our complexion does not mean they share our struggles. CLICK TO TWEET

Malcolm X made another astute observation that about the “black” intelligentsia and the bourgeoisie class. He made the case that the “black” elites—the people Du Bois identified as the talented 10th—have been lured by fame and status and cleaved from the struggling masses. Those of us who are fortunate enough to attend college and attain the American dream are indoctrinated to be about self as we feign a commitment to justice. There are few who are speaking for the impoverished millions throughout every city and town in America, it is easier to turn human suffering into hashtags than it is to actually do something about it. In this condemnation, I must include myself—pontificating is not service to the least among us who suffer in silence.The passing of giants like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King left us moral midgets who chase corporate dollars as they use injustice to stuff cash in their personal coffers.

Obama’s audacity of hope was in reality a paucity of courage. We are bereft of leaders; all we have are a bunch of narcissists who are quick to run to cameras to make billboards of broken people and retreat to their villas before the news cycle ends. Remember Flint, DAPL, Benghazi, Puerto Rico? It’s not bad enough they are creating the disasters on the front end, now the political and media class are profiting from disaster on the back end. This is what we get when we make idols of men; when we bow before the rich and famous and offer our backs to them, don’t act shocked when they step on us. From Obama to Trump, a society of masochists get the sadists we deserve. #MoralMidgetObama

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Reply Sat 7 Apr, 2018 03:56 pm
Teodrose Fikre wrote:
I spent the next seven years in utter denial as Obama went on to stick a shiv in the back of his supporters in order to aid and abet Wall Street and the banks who criminally bled the planet. The hope and change was hype and craft; as he paid lip service to justice, he paid homage to the larcenists who fleeced millions by giving them trillions in bailouts, Quantitative Easing, Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) and a whole slew of monetary schemes that was the biggest wealth transfer in the history of our nation. Over $14 trillion was gifted to the grifters who played Russian roulette with our savings. When the gun finally discharged, we got the bullet and the trigger pullers got golden parachutes.

What did he prefer? That Obama let our financial system collapse and cause another Great Depression?

The people who got golden parachutes tended to not be the ones responsible for causing the crisis.
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Reply Sun 8 Apr, 2018 03:51 pm
That was a powerful piece. Thanks for bringing it, E.

This is of course how pharisees always get rid of prophets; first they crucify truth tellers and then resurrect a caricatured version of their message. The silence of pundits and politicians in the media-politico complex is deafening when it comes to the issues that King gave his life for, how many people in mainstream media are talking about economic inequalities and the way that Martin Luther King was trying to bridge the racial and class divides. You are better off counting the number of times Donald Trump has tweeted something sensible since becoming president.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 02:17 pm
An incident at an Alabama Waffle House where a Black woman was brutally arrested and had her top pulled down and breast exposed while being handcuffed by Alabama police has sparked outrage.

The 25-year-old woman, Chikesia Clemons, asked for a manager after a Waffle House employee tried to charge her for using plastic utensils. Instead, while she was waiting, police were called. The ensuing violent arrest was captured on video by Clemons’ friend Canita Adams. The recording has now gone viral.

The incident is being likened to the Starbucks debacle last week where two Black men, Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson, were arrested by Philadelphia police after waiting in the coffee house for a business colleague.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 02:28 pm
Great Examples Edgar! of the progress we have made.

Starbucks has shut down their stores for a day after a national outcry. These incidents, as you say, have gone viral and are being discussed widely by people of many races. You are disproving your own point. We still have ways to go, but we are making great progress progress since the 1960s.

The very fact that you use the word "brutal" to describe a case where a woman's breast is exposed makes the point brilliantly. In the 1950's people were literally being beaten to death.

I sometimes forget that you aren't serious.

Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 03:17 pm
So black people being summarily executed instead of lynched have made great strides? I think if you spoke with some of the targeted ones you might have an epiphany.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 03:19 pm
#GolfingWhileBlack: White men call police on Black women for golfing ‘too slowly’
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 03:22 pm
He's serious; but you're such a pompous, self-righteous jerk. You don't want a discussion. You just want to argue and be contrary often in an irritating, personally insulting way. No wonder Edgar ignores you. You don't respect other members. You complain about the clique here while seeking to build up your own. You're just a pest.

By the way, did it ever occur to you that social progress can be reversed? (Germany comes to mind.) In case you haven't noticed, we're experiencing a resurgence of white racism and antisemitism. Sure, there's been considerable progress in the last 40 years, but it's also true that some would like to undo that progress. Just wait and see what happens when a solid conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court overturns civil rights laws. It won't happen overnight, but I'm convinced it will happen. The reason it will happen is because the liberal Democrats antagonize a lot of voters who believe that abortion (a nonnegotiable issue) is the murder of a child -- not to mention other issues such as radically changing the institution of marriage. (I remember a time when there were pro-life liberals and pro-choice conservatives!) What I've been witnessing since the fall of 1969 has been the slow death of liberalism (still in progress, by the way). Indeed, the Democratic Party appears to be headed toward utter extinction -- a Whig Party for the first half of the 21st century.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 04:53 pm
wmwcjr wrote:
He's serious; but you're such a pompous, self-righteous jerk. You don't want a discussion. You just want to argue and be contrary often in an irritating, personally insulting way. No wonder Edgar ignores you. You don't respect other members. You complain about the clique here while seeking to build up your own. You're just a pest.

I agree that Edgar is serious.

But your description of Max is not accurate. The only person in this thread who behaves in the way that you described is you. Perhaps some self reflection is in order here.

wmwcjr wrote:
In case you haven't noticed, we're experiencing a resurgence of white racism and antisemitism.

I haven't noticed any white racism. The resurgent anti-Semitism is confined to the far left.

wmwcjr wrote:
Sure, there's been considerable progress in the last 40 years, but it's also true that some would like to undo that progress. Just wait and see what happens when a solid conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court overturns civil rights laws. It won't happen overnight, but I'm convinced it will happen. The reason it will happen is because the liberal Democrats antagonize a lot of voters who believe that abortion (a nonnegotiable issue) is the murder of a child -- not to mention other issues such as radically changing the institution of marriage. (I remember a time when there were pro-life liberals and pro-choice conservatives!)

Not to mention the left's crazy attacks on the Second Amendment.

wmwcjr wrote:
What I've been witnessing since the fall of 1969 has been the slow death of liberalism (still in progress, by the way). Indeed, the Democratic Party appears to be headed toward utter extinction -- a Whig Party for the first half of the 21st century.

They might evolve. They might go extinct and be replaced by a new party.

Either way I can't wait for them to stop conducting witchhunts against people who disagree with them.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 05:03 pm
maxdancona wrote:
Do you know what happened in Germany in the 1930s?

Did you ever see the pretend Facebook page representing this period of history?

Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 05:05 pm
The purpose of this thread is to justify liberal extremism by making outrageous claims. Edgar and the liberal group make a bunch of these threads that paint the worst stories and spreading fear. This is at least half of the reason that our country is so fractious and divided.

Let's look at the facts.

1. Black people are not being "summarily executed". Yes there is an issue of police misconduct and racial profiling. You can make the case about police reform without jumping to the ridiculously extreme.

In the 1930s Black people were actually summarily executed. There is nothing remotely like lynching that is happening today.

2. Germany is not reverting back to fascism. Yes, there are political groups with Nationalism (as there always have been). There are anti-immigrant feelings of different types (as there always have been). And there are even fringe neo-Nazi groups (a very small minority... as there always have been).

In the 1930s Germany was under control of actual Nazis embarking on a systemic program of genocide. There is nothing in Germany even remotely like this today.

This thread is political hysteria. It is propaganda aimed at justifying and riling political extremism. They want to you believe that the entire scientific community has been hijacked by Monsanto and that every man wants to be a rapist.

I do want a discussion. However, to have a rational discussion you have to challenge the irrational hysteria, fear-mongering and conspiracy theories.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 05:14 pm
Thank whatever we have Max here to keep us liberals from hoodwinking conservatives (There actually are no real conservatives left, are there?) If you don't want liberals to protest the brutalizing of people of color, it'd first be necessary to quit brutalizing them. I've actually been reserved about posting these stories. I know lots more but no matter how many I post people like Max will not believe their senses, because their tribal loyalties reject anything deemed not a proper narrative.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 05:53 pm
The issue is extremism... not liberals versus conservatives. I oppose extremism on both sides.

1. You are making an argument that is factually untrue. You are saying that things are getting worse... which means that at some point in the past thing must have been better than they are.

I wonder if you can name a year; 1980?, 1970?, 1930? in which things were better in terms of race relations than they are right now? Go ahead, name a year and we can check actual data rather than just making emotional rants.

2. When you say I don't "believe my senses", are you implying that I don't believe the racial issues in our society right now? If you look at other posts you will see me argue that people of color are treated unfairly by law enforcement and by society at large.

3. The issue here is the extremism in your posts. You can throw around words like "brutality" and "Nazi"... these are emotional attack words. You don't use the words to inform, or to have a discussion. You use these words to shame and bully people who don't agree with you.

When you use same word "brutality" to compare someone getting arrested, and someone being lynched.... you are just being ridiculous.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 06:06 pm
That's actually funny Oralloy.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2018 08:40 pm
I don't think I have written the word 'nazi' on a2k before this minute, although my memory might be faulty. All I want is the truth. Things have gotten better for many black Americans in some respects, but the suspicion and discrimination goes on, just as in the 19th and 20th Centuries. The killing of black people is tossed off as 'one of those things.' The prisons for profit is an industry that scoops in black Americans and does not want to let them go.
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2018 02:52 am
Things have gotten better for many black Americans in some respects, but the suspicion and discrimination goes on, just as in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

I agree with this.

The killing of black people is tossed off as 'one of those things.'

This is over-dramatic, and it doesn't explain what the issue is. There is no one shooting millions of black people in the street for no reason (which is what it sounds like). The vast majority of Americans are against the murder of black people.

The issues the treatment of racial minorities in law enforcement, disagreements on sensational cases and ongoing prejudice in society.

Here is the problem. You go to the average American and attack them; telling them that they "toss" the "killing of black people... as 'one of those things', you lose them. It might make you feel good, but it makes things worse.

If you tell 100 million people that they support killing black people... you aren't persuading them. You are attacking them. That explains why Trump is president. These people don't actually support killing black people... they are supporting police, and dealing with their own fears. Rather than helping them understand, and changing their opinion, you are attacking them not only as racists, but as accomplices to murder. This is why our country is starkly divided.

The prisons for profit is an industry that scoops in black Americans and does not want to let them go.

That is a gross oversimplification of what is happening (and I am solidly on your side in this issue as far as policy goes). There are lots of moving parts to this issue. There are Americans who want to feel safe from crime. There are courts. There is prejudice. There are politicians. There is the issue of policy.

Your slogan about the "prisons for profit" is not even close to where I would start on this issue.
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2018 07:42 am
You have to exaggerate my position to have any argument at all.
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2018 09:39 am
He wants an argument; otherwise, he'll get bored. That's really the only reason he's here.
Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2018 10:07 am
It's blind faith overcoming education and intellect.
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