Charlestown was the setting for`Oneida Line'
Calgary,Canada for part of `Blood River'
The outdoor scenes of Harry Potters guardians house was filmed 20 minutes down the road in Bracknell, UK.
Part of Golden Eye was filmed in Puerto Rico,possibly the part with the Satelline disk
Parts of Being John Malkovich were filmed inside his head.
Damn! I wanted to make the first smartass remark.
Some parts of The House of Flying Daggers is shot in Ukriane.
Cherokee National Forest was the location for the latest remake of "Last of the Mohicans"
Night Shift (Stephen King short story) was filmed in this grungy old woolen mill North of Skowhegan Maine. We were delivering wool to the mille while they were filming and we hadda wait till they were done before we could drive near.
The Wrath of Khan was filmed entirely in the Beta -Z sector of the Romulan Empire
Shout at the Devil was filmed in Transkei and Malta
Doomsday Man was filmed in High Point, North Caroline.
Calgary was the setting for `THE Investigation'
Part of the Raiders of the Lost Ark was filmed in Petra, Jordan.
iNDIANA Jones and the Lost Ark,part was filmed in PETRA.
FOR YOUR EYES ONLY, Part is filmed near Corfu City
PHI PHI,thailand was the setting for `THE BEACH'
One of Moonraker' film locations was Rio de Janeiro.
Guatelema and USA also featured in the film.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind,the tall rock formation is Devil's Rock.
The rocky bay in The Man with the Golden Gun is possibly near Phuket,Thailand.
Carref Cinnan Castle in Wales features in `THE ZEPPELIN'
Malta possibly also appears in this film.
Monument Valley, Arizona was the setting for many westerns,eg. `Stagecoach'
The `Man with the Golden Gun' WAS filmed in PHUKET according to Reader's Digest Guide to Places in the world.
Part Of Harry Potter and the Philopoposper's(sp?)/Sorcerer's Stone was filmed in Ladock Abbey,Wiltshire(Hogswarth College or whatever)