Thu 10 Feb, 2005 06:43 am
I realize this probably isn't the correct forum since this is "web development," but it holds more promise of answering my question than the "computer" forum which has been overrun with "how do i uninstall this" or "how do i removed this worm." Anyway...
So I'm working on a project in C++ .NET that requires a database. I realize I could connect to a server like MySQL or whatever, but I'm sure there's a way to get database support for say, and Access DB, from a local file. I read something about database drivers in one of the .NET classes.... but I'm not sure how to use that. So can anyone give me information on how to link to and read from a database file?
I don't know .NET but I imagine you won't be able to avoid using a driver. With any luck it will be well-documented and it should be as simple as putting the driver in your classpath (or whatever you need to do to call it from your program) and using whatever methods you would have used to access data from the other databases you mention. I would try it with a simple example first in order to see how it works. Go for it, and good luck.