ehBeth wrote:Hi cjane.
Cleo is somewhere over 9, Bailey's around 11.
They certainly don't look their age, especially Bailey. You obviously
take good care for them, and it shows.
Letty wrote:Hey, C.J., May I post my eskie?
RIP Domino

Miss Letty, you may post whatever pictures you like.

Domino was beautiful, and probably a lot of work to comb through that
thick coat of his.
Do you have a dog now, Miss Letty?
cj wrote :
Quote:Would you like me to go back and pull up some of set's posts directed at me lately?
may i repeat : "if you have an issue with set , why don't you settle it with him directly ? " .
No, Jane. I no longer have a pet at all. When Domino was hit and killed by a car, I decided that I could not stand losing another animal. (shedding some tears of memory right now)
Ah, I recall so long ago seeing ehBeth's and Setanta's picture and telling her that were I ten years younger, I would give her a run for her money.
cj, I love Samoyeds. Did a pun once on "Coming of age in Samoyed".
Sorry hamburger, I'm out of here.
Letty wrote:Ah, I recall so long ago seeing ehBeth's and Setanta's picture and telling her that were I ten years younger, I would give her a run for her money.
You'd run me over now :wink:
I'm a sucker for all of the spitz breeds. I dream of having a schipperke and an eskie and Bailey and Cleo. Four pointy nosed/pointy eared dogs - 1 white, 1 blonde, 1 red, 1 black. The perfect pack.
Only if Bailey and Cleo weren't in your car, Beth.
This is my daughter's first pets, C.J. and she named them knee bones and vinegar. Where she got those names I will never know, and she was too young to recall why, because I asked her.
Incidentally, my first eskimo was named Sugar, hence the second one's name of Domino.
Bailey and Cleo spent the morning at the groomer. They're mmm sort of unrecognizable right now. People in the dog park tonight kept asking what breed they were. I said "space alien". I think hamburger got some pix of them.
Pieces and parts of todays puzzle.
You have interesting work, 2packs. What are you working on?
I have no clue either. Fill us in 2pack!!
Those burgers look a bit dry.
2PacksAday wrote:Pieces and parts of todays puzzle.

Looks like someone had too many hosts.
So what is it? A brick planter box?
Dry burgers....heh.
Those are pieces for a backsplash, tumblestone {basically raw marble}, with little dots of granite....and sorta CJ, I had them laying on an old stone/brick planter.
Ah yes, 2pack, now I can see it. It looks nice. Are you going to seal
the marble afterwards?
Yep, we might try a color enhancer first, I'll do a few sample pieces to see if she likes it or not....but definitely a sealer.
This was for one of my very regular customers, I do a lot of work for the entire family, this was the mothers house. Later this summer I have around 3,000 ft to lay for their two children, who are both remolding/adding additions to their homes. Some normal flooring, but plenty of design work, and two custom walk-in showers.
They also have "a" painter that does all the painting for them, he is top might not be able to tell from the picture, but those are vintage 1950ish cabinets that have been refinished...they are near perfect, the top coat on them looks like glass...better than new ones by far.