Tue 8 Feb, 2005 12:37 pm
Since the original Gallery has been closed, and as far as I understand,
it won't reopen due to excess space usage, I thought we could
open another gallery here and every member inclined to do so,
could post a picture of her/himself, the family and Grandma Moses here.
So please go ahead....
Awesome. Well, I think you all know that my avatar is me, so there's my pic :-D
I tried starting a
Family Pictures gallery and got some fun old pictures posted. I love seeing what everybody looks like... but it rarely matches what I
think they are going to look like.
I look exactly like what I look like.(usually)
What should the limits be? Current pics only? None more than five years old?
cjhsa wrote:Is that really you?
Yes it is, but here is a bigger one
JP, I remember your picture gallery and thought that
was a great idea to create a family album like yours....
Eva wrote:What should the limits be? Current pics only? None more than five years old?
Hm, I'd say 5 years is quite a long time Eva. Maybe last years photos?
Well, if someone is in their 20s, five years IS a long time. But if you're 50, like I am, five years is still pretty current. I don't even have any photos of myself taken in the last year. Within the last 2-3 years, though, definitely.
BTW, your photo is absolutely gorgeous. Perfect features, great natural coloring...
Eva my dear, I have several pics of you far more recent than 5 years. (they are stashed in the bottom drawer in the spare room closet) ( got them from *****)
From WHO??? When? How?
(Was I dressed?)
See Jane, you start this thread, and the whole site goes down. It's all your fault!
Doesn't show up Walter. Something wrong with that link.
I just got a new digital camera so I can actually take a picture of myself!
And I will get around to it....I swear....
CalamityJane wrote:cjhsa wrote:Is that really you?
Yes it is, but here is a bigger one

One heckuva good lookin' woman you are Jane! Great pic.
that is an excellent picture!
I really like that picture of Walter. It looks like he's aiming his thoughts at us and is getting ready to fire!
I think I can find a twin sister for Jane! HOT (well I know one)