squinney wrote:I liked before, but gotta agree with others that you look the happiest / most content as I've seen you, nimh.
Whatever you are doing, it must be right.
Thankee, thankee.
I do feel pretty content in this place.
Well, not this week, this week I just feel tired. And a little down, for some reason, dont know why. But usually.
There's nothing spectacular about my life ... but it's very comfortable. I feel at home here. And at my work. And now that Staz is here things are nicer still of course. <nods>
A relationship with her by definition comes with hmm ... its moments of crisis, of course. But overall it's unbelievably ...
pleasant. You wouldnt believe we were the same couple we were six years ago. We're still completely disorganised, but we're very, very sweet
And yeah, I love this town. And living here. And my work, and my colleagues.
I could do with having more of a social life again tho... it's pretty limited now.
(What is this, am I writing a diary now?
