Probably one of the most stunningly beautiful children I have ever seen. Hoo-boy, look at those huge beautifully shaped dark-brown eyes! I would KILL to have those.
Jeez that's a cute kid. Holy cripe.
Hi helmi, your picture got lost with the cute baby photo up here.....
you're still very young. It's nice to see a face to the name
They say if you look anything like your passport photo, then you're too sick to travel.
Not in your case, obviously.
Helmi looks READY to travel!
Have you gone to the window washers, 2pack? That picture makes me
giddy - I could not stand there.
OMG! That pic makes me dizzy! I'm not good with heights
Shoot, he'd barely bounce from there...
(whatcha standin' on, 2packs?)
From the other side, 2Packsaday, does it look like this?
that's a stunt boot, right?
I have another picture without my foot in it, and it looses the 3D has nowhere near the dizziness inducing quality.
Yeah, it's from the top of a grain leg, similar to the pic Francis posted, that one is a lot nicer though with the staircase, I don't think I've ever seen one like that, ours just have straight ladders.
I was working on the office building of a large farming family, I asked them if I could go up and take some pictures...friends of they said sure, and also said that nobody else wanted to climb up there when something went wrong, so I should expect a call the next time a belt breaks.
It was a very hazy day, so I could only see clearly about two miles, everything beyond that was just a blur. The land here is very, very flat, so normally it's easy to see water towers and smoke stacks at distances of 35-40 miles.
I would love to climb the rigging of a sail boat, if I would have been a sailor in that period, I would have requested crow's nest duties every day.
What's a "Grain Leg" and why is it there?
It's basically a bucket lift, similar to a water the pic you can see two rectangular shaped metal tubes, those contain the belt lined with buckets/scoops, they run down into the storage area and lift the grain to the top. Then they are able to send the grain to whichever pipe they want, and gravity takes over...the grain falls into one of the holding tanks, to be dried/stored, until they send it to market.
This is a farming area, grain legs dot the landscape.
2PacksAday wrote:It's basically a bucket lift, similar to a water the pic you can see two rectangular shaped metal tubes, those contain the belt lined with buckets/scoops, they run down into the storage area and lift the grain to the top. Then they are able to send the grain to whichever pipe they want, and gravity takes over...the grain falls into one of the holding tanks, to be dried/stored, until they send it to market.
This is a farming area, grain legs dot the landscape.
I think I get it. So it basically moves grain from one storage bin to another?
It really just loads the bins, most of them are 30 ft high or more, and there is no good way to get grain up there without a lift. They load from the top and take out from the bottom, with small portable conveyors that they attach to a port...odd looking things if you don't know what they are, at night they look like a giant praying mantis. Anyway, they take the grain from the bottom of the bin, and lift it into large transfer trucks.