mame wrote :
Quote: I'm very delighted with her, yes
not difficult to believe :wink:
will she be invited for a visit at the cookhouse ?
She's closer to you than she is to me, hbg... she lives in London, On, sadly.
Gosh, what a beautiful baby. Lucy is the next Gerber baby, for sure!
Thank you, CJ. It always amazes me when dark brown-eyed people have these blue-eyed kids - my two are the only ones out of the entire 14 grandchildren who have brown eyes, yet 6 out 7 of us sisters do. I know, it's all about the Big B and the little b, but still... it's so strange.
She has such beautiful blue button eyes, Mame!

Would you say she takes after you? :wink:
Not a chance! I am a brunette with dark brown eyes - she's like her father's family. They are all blue-eyed and blond-ish.
Is that your daughter in the picture? Wow, she's absolutely beautiful. Dad is quite the looker too. No wonder Lucy is cute as a button.
Yes, dag, that's my daughter. And thank you.
Dadpad, is that your daughter?
That looks more like Mompad, Mame.
Oooops! Didn't mean to add years to him.
Mumpad when she was a college girl.
Here's a pic of "BB" McTag
COOOOOOOOOOOL - play us a tune.
Very nice, McTag. Are you going to tour with the Stones now?
Age wise you're probably right up there with them.....
I think I am. Mick moves a lot better than me, though.
G'wan, have nicer lips, though!
Only two hours in makeup for those shots.....