Far-right activists banned from entering Britain

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 21 Apr, 2019 04:09 am
Whistleblower Robbie Mullen warned by police of multiple neo-Nazi death threats

‘It’s ruined my life,’ says man who exposed plot to kill MP Rosie Cooper
The whistleblower who exposed a neo-Nazi plot to kill an MP has been warned repeatedly by police that he is at risk of being murdered by far-right terrorists.

Robbie Mullen has received five “Osman notices” (named after a high-profile 1998 case), credible warnings of a high risk of murder that are issued by police to the possible victim, after testifying against the proscribed terror organisation National Action.
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0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2019 12:45 pm
A teenage neo-Nazi who suggested Prince Harry should be shot for marrying a woman of mixed race has pleaded guilty to terror offences at the Old Bailey.

Michal Szewczuk, 19, of Leeds, admitted two counts of encouraging terrorism and five of possessing documents useful to a terrorist.

The charges relate to a neo-Nazi group called the Sonnenkrieg Division.

Co-defendant Oskar Dunn-Koczorowski, 18, from west London, pleaded guilty in December to encouraging terrorism.

Both of them were granted conditional bail and are due to be sentenced at the Old Bailey on 17 June.

The pair produced Sonnenkrieg propaganda that, among other things, said Prince Harry was a "race traitor" who should be shot, and lionised the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik.

They publicised the propaganda on the social media site Gab, including on a page for the Sonnenkrieg group itself.

Szewczuk, hiding behind a pseudonym, also used a separate account to posts links to self-authored diatribes that called for the "systematic slaughtering" of women and the rape of babies.

Detectives found Szewczuk in possession of bomb-making instructions, documents describing how to conduct Islamist terror attacks and a "white resistance" manual.

The Sonnenkrieg group, which was exposed last year by a BBC investigation, was created as a British version of the American neo-Nazi organisation Atomwaffen Division, which has been linked to five murders.

Szewczuk and Dunn-Koczorowski were arrested the morning after the BBC investigation was broadcast.

Another man was also arrested and has since been released under investigation.

The group's ideology, which is influenced by figures such as the murderous cult leader Charles Manson, is a strain of neo-Nazism that openly encourages criminality and acts of terrorism.

Online propaganda and private chat logs show members engaging in extreme misogyny, as well as exalting Jihadist terrorism and a violent strand of Satanism.

Some private messages seen by the BBC suggest Sonnenkrieg members encouraged young women to engage in acts of self-harm.

The Sonnenkrieg Division grew out of a split in the now largely defunct System Resistance Network, which was created after the neo-Nazi group National Action was banned under anti-terror laws in 2016.

Sonnenkrieg and System Resistance Network both contained one-time members of National Action, including Dunn-Koczorowski.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2019 01:34 pm
I like this story.

An anti-hate crime charity pranked far-right nationalists into campaigning for diversity during this year’s St George’s Day celebrations.

The St George’s Cross has become an icon of far-right xenophobia, which is somewhat ironic considering the patron saint had Syrian, Greek, Turkish and Palestinian heritage.

Tell MAMA distributed 100 heat-reactive St George’s Cross t-shirts to far-right nationalists in a bid to ‘reclaim the flag and teach them a lesson about how important diversity is to our country’.

When they proudly put on their new t-shirts, they did not know that their body heat triggered the following message to appear: ‘St George was Syrian. #DefendDiversity’.

The prank was executed at St George’s Day gatherings across London ‘to champion the vital role that immigrants play in shaping our nation and to tackle the dramatic growth of far-right hate’, the charity said

According to a Home Office report, in 2017/18 there were 94,098 hate crime offences recorded by the police in England and Wales, an increase of 17 per cent compared with the previous year.

Tell MAMA director Iman Atta OBE said: ‘In light of the recent surge in division and hate crime, we wanted to reclaim the St George’s Cross from those who spread division and celebrate it as a symbol of diversity.

‘Migrants have shaped our country, from St George to present day heroes like Mo Farrah, Rita Ora, Malala Yousafzai and Dame Zaha Hadid. ‘Fly the flag for diversity this St George’s Day.’

Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 30 Apr, 2019 08:33 am
Tommy Robinson, or Stephen Yaxley-Lennon if we want to refer to him by his real name, announced last week that he’s standing for the north-west of England in the European elections. The former British National party (BNP) member wants to take the same seat that his then leader Nick Griffin held from 2009 to 2014. Tommy Robinson is a far-right thug who went from being a member of the BNP to co-founding the English Defence League (EDL).
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The Guardian

Reply Tue 7 May, 2019 08:28 pm
Islamic Elementary Schools Teaching Taliban Curriculum

Right wingers pose nowhere near this kind of threat. Teaching hate to children.
One particular Darul Uloom school in Birmingham was investigated in 2011 by UK’s Channel 4, which found students were taught to hate Christians, Hindus and Jews.

Ofsted also investigated a girl’s schools connected to the movement. In 2006, Aliyah Saleem spilled all about her Darul Uloom school in Nottingham after she was kicked out for possessing a disposable camera, among other “behavioral” offenses.

Saleem said attending school was like being in prison and the girls were taught their husbands were allowed to beat and rape because it made “Allah happy.”

0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 May, 2019 10:21 pm
The radical left (aka the mainstream left) likes to make boogiemen out of anyone and everyone who, through exposing the truth, threatens their narrative. Everyone is "far right" according to leftists. Liberalism is very similar to a mental disorder. Logic and reality are completely foreign to these people.

Lauren Southern has done good work exposing the white genocide in South Africa, something that the mainstream fake media has purposely ignored and tried to discredit.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 9 May, 2019 10:01 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Tommy Robinson's offer of MEP salary rejected by charities
Tommy Robinson’s pledge to donate his hypothetical European parliament salary to child victims of sexual grooming has been criticised as “an insult to survivors of abuse” by women’s groups who said he was “no ally for the children he claims to stand up for”.

More than 40 women and charities including the End Violence Against Women and Girls Coalition declared in a letter to voters and community leaders in the north-west that they would not accept money from the English Defence League founder, criticising Robinson for “factually incorrect messages about grooming”.

The coalition of women’s groups said Robinson exploited the pain suffered by victims in a self-serving attempt to fuel racial hatred.

“We, as organisations and individuals fighting tirelessly against the abuse of women and girls, as survivors of abuse and their families, and as people who care about our communities, do not want your money, Tommy,” the letter read.

“Those who have suffered sexual and physical abuse were failed by those who should have protected them. But Tommy Robinson is no ally for the children he claims to stand up for. Tommy doesn’t care about the rights of women and girls – he is exploiting the pain of survivors and their families to fuel racist hate for his own gain.”

It added: “Tommy Robinson’s factually incorrect messages about grooming, and his attempt to portray himself as a champion of the cause, are an insult to survivors of abuse.

“They are also a profound insult to the women who have spent their whole lives building support services for survivors and working to ensure some cases finally got to court. Where were you during that work Tommy Robinson?”

Signatories also included author and Women for Refugee Women founder Natasha Walter, Rape Crisis Surrey and Sussex, Rape Crisis South London, the Women’s Centre Cornwall and Gurpreet Virdee, a director at the Women and Girls Network.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 May, 2019 01:18 am
A gun was fired outside a mosque in east London during Ramadan prayers.

Police were called to reports of a man with a firearm entering the Seven Kings Masjid in Ilford on Thursday night.

Worshippers ushered him out of the building and a gunshot - thought to have come from a "blank-firing handgun" - was then heard.

No injuries or damage were caused, Scotland Yard said, and it did not believe the incident was terrorism-related.

Evening prayers were being held at the mosque, off High Road, at the time.

The Met Police said: "Officers, including firearms officers, attended. There were no reported injuries or damage to the building.

"At this early stage, ballistic evidence recovered from the scene suggests that the weapon was a blank-firing handgun."

Officers will remain at the scene overnight, it added.

In a statement shared by a Muslim Council spokesman on Twitter, the mosque's imam Mufti Suhail said the suspect's motives had not been established.

He asked that people "avoid speculating and circulating unconfirmed information".

There are heightened security concerns at places of worship around the world after recent attacks.

A mass shooting at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, in March, left 50 people dead.

In April, churches in Sri Lanka were targeted on Easter Sunday in a terror attack which killed at least 253 people.

A week later, a woman was killed when a gunman opened fire at a synagogue in California.

Reply Fri 10 May, 2019 08:55 am
Here are some things that happened lately too.
2019.05.09 (Iraq)
Islamic militants slaughter a husband, wife and their six children in their home.

2019.05.09 (Iraq)
A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a packed market, taking eight ohters with him.

2019.05.08 (Afghanistan)
Fedayeen stage a suicide attack on an American charity office, killing nine.

2019.05.08 (Pakistan)
A suicide bomber detonates amid a crowd of pilgrims at a Sufi shrine, killing eleven.

2019.05.05 (Afghanistan)
Three children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban landmine.

2019.05.05 (Mozambique)
Three villagers are murdered by Islamic radicals.

(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 May, 2019 09:34 am
As always comedy leads the way.


Two great religions. Two great comedians. The descendants of Abraham may have gone their separate ways but now stand-up comedian friends Ashley Blaker and Imran Yusuf – both stars of their own BBC shows – are joining forces in the most-unlikely double-act since Kermit and Miss Piggy (who neither Ashley and Imran can eat!) Originally brought together by a passion for the same football team, the pair are travelling the UK uniting people of every faith and none for an evening of laughter.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 May, 2019 01:31 pm
London: Artist covers up paintings at Saatchi Gallery after complaints by Muslims

Submission. Obeying Sharia. A nation of cowards, nothing new, right?
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 10 May, 2019 01:56 pm
The gallery rejected calls to remove the paintings, on the grounds it wanted visitors to see the works and come to their own conclusions. However, in response to the complaints, the artist requested they were covered. “It seemed a respectful solution that enables a debate about freedom of expression versus the perceived right not to be offended,” he said.
From the original report at The Sunday Times (from last Sunday,

In the end, we would say that, if possible, nudity in art should be avoided. This may not correspond with the world’s thinking, but it should be no surprise to find the world at odds with biblical principles.
What should be the Christian perspective on nudity in art?I suppose, if those nude images were overlaid with biblical verses by SKU, it would be a welcomed exhibition in the USA.

A couple of years ago, Edinburgh Airport covered up a poster featuring a Picasso nude following complaints by American visitors. After gallery chiefs branded the move "bizarre", the airport has backed down and removed the cover.

(Edit: in 2012)
Reply Fri 10 May, 2019 03:10 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
What should be the Christian perspective on nudity in art?

Nice, but irrelevant. Obeying Sharia is what is happening and Christianity has 0 to do with it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 May, 2019 06:01 pm
I'm going to the UK to report on Tommy Robinson's campaign

Like many people around the world, I follow Tommy Robinson’s case with great concern, and I’m interested in his election campaign — but I can’t get reliable news about it from the mainstream media.

The UK media does what it is told. Maybe the real truth will get out and the rest of the world can see a government who cares 0 for the British citizen and his/her culture. It has become authoritarian to a degree that would please any Nazi.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 11 May, 2019 07:28 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Death threats see London Mayor Sadiq Khan given 24-hour police protection
The measure was taken after City Hall referred 17 cases to the police in a three-month period last year and 237 threats were made on social media.

The 48-year-old Labour politician, who was MP for Tooting before succeeding Boris Johnson as London mayor, revealed that the “name-calling, trolling and threats to terrorism” had intensified since the 2016 Brexit referendum.

Mr Khan, a practising Muslim, told The Times magazine: “It can't be right that one of the consequences of me being the mayor of London and a Muslim in public life is that I have police protection.

"The referendum campaign allowed things to come to the surface and normalised things that should not be normalised."
He has been personally targeted by right-wing activists and anti-Islam groups including the UK “yellow vests” and Britain First, who hold him responsible for rising violent crime and other grievances.

Extremists frequently post doctored images of Mr Khan and racist memes on social media, while the Finsbury Park terrorist attacked him in a suicide note written before he ploughed a van into Muslims in 2017.

Darren Osborne told his trial that it would have been like "winning the lottery" to murder Mr Khan, if he had been able to reach the protest that was his original target.
Mr Khan, who was born in south London to a British Pakistani family, received a record number of votes to become London mayor and said his election showed that "London has chosen hope over fear, and unity over division".
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 May, 2019 03:27 pm
Germany: Mohammed Number One Name For Baby Boys in Berlin in 2018

Nice, huh?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 May, 2019 06:10 pm
Priceless Dumbassery by Labor MP Richard Burgon Following Israel Hate Rally

Yeah the far right is dangerous. Looks like the Left if full of haters, the Left being the Labour Party.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 May, 2019 08:58 pm

Dangerous right wingers or people with common sense? It is good news.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 11 May, 2019 11:12 pm
I don't think that this has anything to do with right or left but mainly with voting for the Farage's Brexit or being against it.

On the other hand, however, all the antisemitic shown by senior members and EU-parliament candidates of the Brexit party points in a different direction.
Seems, people don't hide these feelings nowadays anymore.
Reply Sun 12 May, 2019 09:29 am
@Walter Hinteler,
ll the antisemitic shown by senior members and EU-parliament candidates of the Brexit party

Maybe they wish to catch up with the Labour Party.

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