Far-right activists banned from entering Britain

Reply Tue 2 Apr, 2019 11:14 am
A bit of good news, but it's taken too long.

YouTube has placed more restrictions around the video channel of English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson.

Clips uploaded by Mr Robinson have been removed from search results and he is blocked from streaming live events via the site.

Messages warning that his videos may not be appropriate for all viewers will also play before clips.

YouTube had already, in January, decided to suspend adverts on Mr Robinson's channel.

It had imposed the further restrictions after talking to external experts and academic researchers about the types of videos shown on the channel, reported Buzzfeed.

"We are applying a tougher treatment to Tommy Robinson's channel in keeping with our policies on borderline content," it told the news site.

Buzzfeed said the steps taken by YouTube would make Mr Robinson's videos "undiscoverable" unless followers sought them out specifically.

The latest action comes after politicians called on YouTube to follow other social media companies in limiting the exposure Mr Robinson enjoyed on their platforms.

Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has also had pages on Facebook and Instagram removed.

Last year, he was banned from Twitter and Paypal ceased processing payments on his behalf.

And he is now thought to rely on email and Snapchat to correspond with followers.


Reply Tue 2 Apr, 2019 12:39 pm
A bit of good news, but it's taken too long.

Censorship is good news to Nazis. Guess what that makes you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 06:36 am
Two "malicious" devices were left on railway tracks in a pro-Brexit sabotage attempt, police have said.

The items were left on lines near Netherfield, Nottinghamshire, and Yaxley, Cambridgeshire, in March.

One had a note saying "leave means leave", with another saying it would "bring Britain to a standstill".

Assistant Chief Constable Sean O'Callaghan, from British Transport Police (BTP), said the devices were "intended only to delay services".

"This was a serious and deliberate attempt by someone to cause significant sabotage and disruption to Britain's rail network," he said.

"We're currently keeping an open mind on why someone would put their life at risk to place these items on a live railway, however our early assessment has led us to believe it relates to Britain's exit from the European Union."

BBC home affairs correspondent Danny Shaw said one of the devices was spotted by a train driver, with the other believed to have been found during a routine track search.

BTP said neither device succeeded in causing a delay to services, and that it was investigating along with the rail industry.

No arrests have been made in connection with the incidents.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 12:30 pm
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 12:33 pm
UK: Radical Muslims Welcome, Persecuted Christians Need Not Apply

How stupid are the UK leaders? How intimidated they are by violence is very clear.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 12:55 pm
Jung noticed the differences between the Aryan and Jewish psyches as early as 1918, and later reinforced it even stronger several times.
And in 1934 he speaks of the worthlessness of Jewish views etc etc
More at the source: C. G. Jung: Gesammelte Werke Band 10, Walter Verlag Solothurn, Düsseldorf 1995, § 1014.

What Jung thought about Hitler can be read in the January 1939 issue of the New York International Cosmopolitan, pp. 116–120: the Knickerbocker interview is generally regarded as an excuse or even legitimisation of the Nazi regime.

Not to forget that Jung saw it as his medical duty to draw attention to the core problems he saw as such, above all the powerful work of the autonomous mental factor "archetype of Wotan" and the complex of the "Jewish problem".
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 01:12 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Not to forget that Jung saw it as his medical duty to draw attention to the core problems he saw as such, above all the powerful work of the autonomous mental factor "archetype of Wotan" and the complex of the "Jewish problem".
An online source for, even in English.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 01:17 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
And in 1934 he speaks of the worthlessness of Jewish views etc etc

The video I posted shows what Muhammad would look like if his commands an agenda was known. He would look like Hitler. The world turned on Hitler. The world would turn on Muhammad given the chance.

The willful ignorance you enjoy does not change the fact Muhammad's agenda was just like Hitler's. Would you want to stop Hitler?

Jung's opinion on Jews is irrelevant.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 01:28 pm
coldjoint wrote:
The video I posted shows what Muhammad would look like if his commands an agenda was known. He would look like Hitler. The world turned on Hitler. The world would turn on Muhammad given the chance.
That's why Jung liked Hitler's views. (see the written text and context of that quote).
But I do agree that Jung's opinion is irrelevant
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 01:53 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
But I do agree that Jung's opinion is irrelevant

Willfull ignorance, you wear it well. Would you want to stop Hitler or you think the world can survive another? That is what you refuse to acknowledge, the severity of this problem. The T's are crossed and the I's are dotted everyday.


Other Recent "Misunderstandings
of Islam"

2019.03.30 (Burkina Faso)
Three civilians are murdered by Jihadists.

2019.03.30 (Iraq)
Two fishermen are shot to death by the Islamic State.

2019.03.28 (Somalia)
Over a dozen patrons are cut down in mid-bite by a car bombing outside a restaurant.

2019.03.26 (Niger)
Two female suicide bombers coordinate with gunmen to massacre ten villagers.

2019.03.25 (Somalia)
Muslim militants kill a university professor by fitting his car with an IED.

2019.03.25 (Israel)
Children are among the casualties when Hamas sends a rocket into a home.

(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple sources. The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

The damage Islamic migrants have done in Western Europe is undeniable.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 02:01 pm
coldjoint wrote:
Would you want to stop Hitler or you think the world can survive another?
Since school times I'm actively engaged against neo-Nazis (and Nazis, when I was in school and university).

It is paradox that explicitly you pose this question.
Reply Wed 3 Apr, 2019 02:49 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Since school times I'm actively engaged against neo-Nazis (and Nazis, when I was in school and university).

I have already offered you a medal. You are in denial, and have forgotten what a Nazi is.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 09:36 am
A man has admitted planning a bomb attack on a south London mosque.

Steven Bishop, 41, admitted buying fireworks and possessing instructions on how to make an explosive.

Bishop, of Thornton Heath, was believed to have been targeting Morden Mosque when his home was raided by police on 29 October last year.

He will be sentenced on Wednesday after changing his plea on the opening day of his trial at Kingston Crown Court.

He initially denied one count of possession of an explosive substance with intent to endanger life or cause damage to property.

Bishop previously pleaded guilty to possession of information likely to be useful to a person preparing an act of terrorism, specifically a handwritten note on how to make explosives.

When he was arrested he told the police he wanted revenge for the death of eight-year-old Saffie Roussos who died in the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017.

The court heard Bishop has a history of mental health problems and a number of psychiatric reports had been prepared ahead of his trial.

He was remanded in custody until Wednesday,

Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 01:01 pm
Bishop previously pleaded guilty to possession of information likely to be useful to a person preparing an act of terrorism, specifically a handwritten note on how to make explosives.

My god almost everyone who had taken a college level chemistry course or even an owner of a fiction book that contain the right formula for gun powder would be guilty of that crime.

Hell I can still remember as a child reading H. Beam Piper science fiction book "The gun powder god "and by using the components from a child chemistry set and a child microscope set created a small gun powder bomb that cause my ears to ring for a few days.

With such a law you should burn most chemistry books and shut down all college level courses in that subject along with banning all books that correctly cover the subject of explosives.

Hell the local public library an even in my digital library somewhere there is the far right racist book 'the turner diary' that Timothy McVeigh used as a blue print for creating his bomb that took out the Oklahoma federal building.
Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 01:39 pm
There's a huge difference between secondary school chemistry and the technical instructions on how to make a pipe bomb or something like that.

Your outrage seems misplaced, this individual has pleaded guilty to attempted murder, and you're upset about the laws in place that stopped him doing it.

With so many things that you know little about you let your imagination run away with you. We're talking about technical, specialist instructions and you bang on about gunpowder. He didn't get done for having a bit of paper with sulphur, charcoal and saltpetre scrawled on it.

He didn't need to make gunpowder, he'd bought a **** ton of fireworks. What he needed and was arrested for was instructions on how to turn a **** ton of fireworks into a bomb.

It's the same when you asked if there would be a general strike to make Brexit happen. It's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard, and anyone who knew the slightest thing about the UK would have known it was absolute nonsense.

You're incredibly ignorant about the UK, but instead of trying to plug that gap with knowledge you fill it with wild paranoid hysterics and a need to constantly wrap yourself in the flag. Do you want a biscuit or something, or a pat on the head for fulfilling the stereotype of stupid American?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 01:43 pm
BillRM wrote:

With such a law you should burn most chemistry books and shut down all college level courses in that subject along with banning all books that correctly cover the subject of explosives.

This is paranoid nonsense from the borderline demented.

Please give examples of the UK burning chemistry books, shutting down college level courses and give the titles of books banned in the UK that correctly cover the subject of explosives.

Try to answer the actual question and not go on a rant about the Trials of Lady Chatterley.
Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 02:11 pm
Sorry the law as you post it here taken at face value mean that anyone with any knowledge of explosives and bombs making is a criminal an that would included the simplest possible bombs.

Next you hardly need a deep understanding of explosives as for example a large part of the Boston bombs was match heads and firework materials and the Centennial Olympic Park bomb was just a black powder pipe bomb.

A large percent of the total population in the UK or the US would possession such information so any government with such a law on their books could charge any of those people with such a crime on their whims.

Giving any government the power to declared someone they do not care for a criminal for having common knowledge is to me dangerous to the extreme.

Bishop previously pleaded guilty to possession of information likely to be useful to a person preparing an act of terrorism, specifically a handwritten note on how to make explosives.

Reply Mon 8 Apr, 2019 02:39 pm
Give examples or admit you're talking bollocks.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2019 12:06 pm
Facebook has imposed a ban on a dozen far-right individuals and organisations that it says "spread hate".

The ban includes the British National Party and Nick Griffin, the English Defence League and the National Front.

The list also includes Britain First, which was already banned, but this latest action will prohibit support for it on any of the US firm's services.

It said it had taken the action because those involved had proclaimed a "violent or hateful mission".

"Individuals and organisations who spread hate, or attack or call for the exclusion of others on the basis of who they are, have no place on Facebook," the social network added in a statement.

The ban includes:

The British National Party and its ex-leader Nick Griffin
Britain First, its leader Paul Golding and former deputy leader Jayda Fransen
English Defence League and its founding member Paul Ray
Knights Templar International and its promoter Jim Dowson
National Front and its leader Tony Martin
Jack Renshaw, a neo-Nazi who plotted to murder a Labour MP
A spokesman for Facebook clarified what would now be done to the pages the groups and individuals had run on its site. All those named would be prevented from having a presence on any Facebook service.

In addition, praise and support for the groups or named individuals would no longer be allowed.

The ban was "long overdue" said MP Yvette Cooper, chair of the Home Affairs Select committee.

"For too long social media companies have been facilitating extremist and hateful content online and profiting from the poison," she added.

"They have particularly failed on far-right extremism as they don't even have the same co-ordination systems for platforms to work together as they do on Islamist extremism," she added.

Ms Cooper said the measures were a "necessary first step" and should be strengthened by independent regulation and financial penalties for firms that were sluggish to remove material.

"We all know the appalling consequences there can be if hateful, violent and illegal content is allowed to proliferate," she said.

This current action, said Facebook, went further than the restrictions placed on Britain First last year when its official pages were removed for breaking the site's community standards.

The latest move comes soon after Facebook said it would block "praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism" on its main app and Instagram.

Some controversial figures, such as Tommy Robinson, are already subject to bans on the social network.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Apr, 2019 02:08 am
The fall out from the failure to secure the future of NI has already begun.

A journalist has been shot dead during violence in Londonderry that police are treating as a "terrorist incident".

Dissident republicans are being blamed for killing 29-year-old Lyra McKee during rioting after police searches in Derry's Creggan area on Thursday night.

Petrol bombs were also thrown at police Land Rovers.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Hamilton said the New IRA "are likely to be the ones behind this" and detectives have started a murder inquiry.

"At around 23:00 BST last night a gunman appeared and fired a number of shots towards the police," he added.

"Lyra McKee, a young woman at 29 years old, was wounded.

"She was taken away from the scene in a police land rover to Altnagelvin Hospital but unfortunately she has died."

The violence broke out after police raids on houses in the Mulroy Park and Galliagh areas.

"Violent dissident republicans are planning attacks in this city and we were carrying out a search operation in Creggan," said Mr Hamilton.

"We were looking for firearms that may have been used over the Easter weekend."

Rioting began at Fanad Drive in the city and more than 50 petrol bombs were thrown at police and two vehicles hijacked and set on fire.

"I believe that this was orchestrated - orchestrated to a point that they just want to have violence and attack police," said Mr Hamilton.

"Bringing a firearm out is a calculated and callous act."

One reporter who was at the scene said a gunman "came round the corner and fired shots indiscriminately towards police vehicles".

"There were a number of houses with families - they had all spilled out on the street to see what was happening," added Leona O'Neill.

"There were young people, there were children on the street, there were teenagers milling about and a gunman just fired indiscriminately up the street."

Northern Ireland Secretary Karen Bradley said the "intolerable actions" of those behind Ms McKee's murder were "rejected by the overwhelming majority of people who want to build a peaceful and more prosperous future for everyone in Northern Ireland".

Archbishop Eamon Martin, the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, tweeted to ask for people to pray for Ms McKee's family.

Sinn Féin's vice-president Michelle O'Neill said she was "shocked and saddened at the tragic news", adding: "I unreservedly condemn those responsible for killing this young woman."

DUP leader Arlene Foster tweeted: "Heartbreaking news. A senseless act. A family has been torn apart."

The SDLP's Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan tweeted: "Just leaving Creggan, heartbroken and angry at the senseless loss of a young life.

"Violence only creates victims, that's all it ever has done. The thoughts and prayers of our city are with the young woman's family and friends, may she rest in peace."


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