larry richette wrote:
Msolga--where do you now stand on romantic love? A complete skeptic?
No, Larry r, it's not my nature to be totally skeptical about anything (apart from the motives of politicians!

). No door is EVER 100% closed, almost no idea is ever totally excluded ... But where do I stand on romantic love? Hmmm, it has it's time & place & it is also EXTREMELY demanding & depleting of one's personal resources. And I hate the idea of of my actions being influenced by illusions & delusions, which seem to be so much a part of the experience. Right now I am in *recovery mode*

... From a long, long, involved episode by the best means: rediscovering one's self as a solitary person again. Not an easy process after years of the other sort of *merged* existence, but a very satisfying one, never-the-less.
The trouble with romantic love & merging one's life with another's is that you lose so much of yourself, you can so easily lose track of who YOU really are. Why does it seem to be just one thing or another? I envy people who are able to achieve this balance, but I haven't managed it very well, I'm afraid. I like the idea of being more sensible!
Sorry for the digression, Deb.
I agree with Tartarin, Larry .. why not start a thread? It's a fascinating topic. And one that you've obviously considered a great deal.