secret about the devils

Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 01:01 pm
I think you're right D'artagnan. I think I'll keep my distance as well.
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Sign Related 2
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 03:56 pm
justa_babbling_brooke wrote:
Sign Related 2 wrote:
The master of the house has authority over God in general. So tell God, the abomination of desolation, to move on unto hell because that's what God in general goes unto. Yes! God, the elect, Christ, the Holy Ghost, the Son, the angels of hevean go unto hell (hell at its finest is inside a star such as the sun). And that applies to anyone whose soul is as God which means it is a devil.

Sign Related 2 wrote:

Mark 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
His birth date: 3-9-78
His birth place: Detroit, MI, USA (which puts his birth in the eastern time zone.)

Sign Related 2 wrote:
Messing with me here is as messing with yourself because I use you devils to knock you devils unto hell. So it's like martial arts with 'me' as the General in this war.

Soon as I get pulled that's when all hell breaks loose. Soon as I get home (which is unto paradise) the devils are being flooded with more hell.

And in your mind you are "the master of the house." The things you say are going to happen on 3-09-2005.........what is it that your mind is telling you must be done on that day? And are these things.......things you are planning on executing?????? And this is why you tell everyone to be watchful on this day?

With all the terrorist activities, I would be very careful about posting such craziness on the internet for everyone to see. You could have someone knocking at your door long before March 9th gets here.

Sign Related 2 wrote:
Imagine the scene to this:
And it is I who upon leaving gives authorty to hell-is servants to come for the devils. I'm the one here holding them back from their potential. "Behold, I have told you before." They cant run or hide or hide behind someone or some thing when it's time for 'my' revenge to reign super supreme.

Sign Related 2 wrote:
Messing with me here is as messing with yourself because I use you devils to knock you devils unto hell. So it's like martial arts with 'me' as the General in this war.

Soon as I get pulled that's when all hell breaks loose. Soon as I get home (which is unto paradise) the devils are being flooded with more hell.

Sign Related 2 wrote:
The master of the house knows of that day and hour.
Can not the master of the house distinctly play as the Father himself even though he finds the Father (this source) dishonoring?
I leave this body so that the devils will be here only. And when I leave it will be clear I can not die.

Sign Related 2 wrote:
On this planet not even the devils will be using the net come 3-9 2005. I'm excused and it will be revealed I am excused from the Father. Which basically means I will in no wise be in the great supper prepared.

What is it that you have planned on this date, sign? I think it's time for you to stop talking in ways that you truely do not want people to understand. If you have something to say......say it

We're all divisions of the master of the house. Everything that is is of the master of the house. And there is the distinct master of the house which is distinct. If anything stands out about me, then am I distinct in your very mind?

I'm not telling anyone "to" watch. I say simply, watch.

You ask this 'you' what's planned. That is something the devils will know as this 'you'. But I (not this you), before the foundation of the world, set things. We're talking premeditated murder of who all came to be evil is set for happening without human hand. Dont confuse me with God (which is more than one. Hint: "let us make man in our image"). God will be thrown into the greater damnation. Any on this earth can believe God is good all they want, but when the truth come out no one will be believing that lie any further.

The difference about the distinct master of the house is that the devils are left seperated from the distinct master of the houser so that they shall be on their own and still of the master of the house as all things.

Since I am "he" even spoken about by me (Mark 13:36 Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.) I will tell you I cant be stopped. And I will have all understand plainly soon enough.
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Sign Related 2
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 04:07 pm
And be not horrified by me since I will have evil murdered into life eternal. Unless you want evil. But either way I have self respect for myself. If I lacked self-respect for myself then would evil indeed remain dishonoring me.

I, as the General of the 3rd Day, represent all that are not devils.

Belief will fade away as truthhood is come unto all.
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Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 05:15 pm
OK who is this really?
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physics guru1981
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 06:34 pm
Sign Related 2 wrote:
I will tell you I cant be stopped. And I will have all understand plainly soon enough.

Can't be stopped from doing what? If you want people to understand so badly, why not take out an ad a major newspaper or show rather than telling just the few of us here? Heck, why not say something in plain English, and we'll pass the word on?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 07:21 pm
SO, I take it that this thread IS NOT about hockey
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Sign Related 2
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 07:54 pm
physics_guru1981 wrote:
Sign Related 2 wrote:
I will tell you I cant be stopped. And I will have all understand plainly soon enough.

Can't be stopped from doing what? If you want people to understand so badly, why not take out an ad a major newspaper or show rather than telling just the few of us here? Heck, why not say something in plain English, and we'll pass the word on?

"I" cant be stopped period.

If something is said in general or in specific there would be some claiming it cant be understood.

Every word typed is defined in a dictionary even. "To" understand me? Only the devils will in that sense because I am "before" them. But I will make them understand by entering into them commandments.

I could have used any way for communication and it still remains that truthhood will come unto all.

You may learn something from the news...or learn right from inside of you (in such the sense will there be known things direct from the master of the house--When it is realized, not even "you" can argue with how something of truth is told).

When I tell things on, say, the net, I'm still telling 'you' in general--and that's even if nobody is there viewing.

^^Just so you know how so the master of the house rules. Is not this very substance representing the world in general? I tell you it is.

If I write on a rock something that is planned in advance concerning the world, and bury it deep...That which got written will manifest unto all.

You might then say, well if something will manifest anyway, why bother telling it? Because of this one command right here "WATCH". Yes, indeed as a watch tells time. "Watch therefore" is even in the written gospels. And the distinct master of the house is no coward--You see, a coward wouldnt tell you (person wise) in advance that which will come because they'd be scared.

^^^Remember the parable in Matthew 25 about the one who buried his lord's treasure? Remember that! Remember that!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 08:12 pm
Heres a Stephen King plot whatiff

WHATIFF an alien with precognitave power and an ability to bend the time constraints of a signal at "c" . and whatiff this alien, in the only language it knew from space < English, because its been sailing in the ether and has been a novelty language to these alien beings.
And whatiff a little alien who, untrained in the prime directive of leaving a planet to itself, decides to warn these inconsequential beings that they are about to be hammered by an incoming bolide as big as the moon, yet this bolide, undetected because its now a deep reaction chamber of the sun that will soon come blasting out and hit the earth on 3/9 /05 , and we are making fun of the language used by the alien because hes watched a bunch of "Hour of Power" shows from the 60s and he figured that this was the way these little beings communicated.

We will have to wait till 3/10/05 when we are all cosmic dust particles spinning off and freeze drying in deep space.

I could be wrong
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