secret about the devils

Sign Related 2
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 04:21 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
Rolling Eyes

If you spoke in English instead of gibberish maybe someone would understand you.

With me, it's not 'the you' speaking from here, it's 'the self' speaking.

Read from the perspective of 'the self', and not from this perspective of 'the you' ('the human you').

Then see.

Matthew 24:
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that "no man" deceive "you".

Is the soul decieving you? So rather read from the perspective of 'the self' and just watch what the soul say as 'the you' rides along.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 04:40 pm
I'm going to have to join in with everyone else in this forum and ask you ...


You have made NO SENSE whatsoever..............
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Sign Related 2
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 04:48 pm
makemeshiver33 wrote:
I'm going to have to join in with everyone else in this forum and ask you ...


You have made NO SENSE whatsoever..............

When 3-9 in 2005 come one such as your self will know a lot more.

Watch is all I'm saying.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 04:55 pm
Are you saying that your soul is not a part of the "you".......instead your soul is a part of your "self?"

So therefore.........you CAN know the hour of the rapture?

Who says the soul is a "self" and not a "you?"

I will agree that the body is simply a vessel that holds the truth of who you really are as a person.

BUT make NO mistake.......YOU-SELF-SOUL-SPIRT.....whatever you wish to call it....does NOT know the hour.

And here you are on a forum professing to know that which you can't know.

So.....you WILL be back on the forum on March 10, 2005 to discuss this further? Or will you be here....and simply tell us that it is not you. It is just your body?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 05:16 pm
Ok, I very much regret reading all this, whatever I just read!

Read my second quote in my signature line.

Yes, you have the most beautiful hair :-D
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 05:22 pm
Awwww Montana....thank-you. Embarrassed *smiles*

I just re-read my last post. I sound mean and sassy. Confused

I'm sorry. Confused

Just trying to understand what you are saying. Not trying to put you down.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 05:27 pm
Don't apologize Brooke! I didn't see anything mean in your post. You must have a headache too. Here, come and share my aspirin with me ;-)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 05:39 pm
Why thank ya Montana! Maybe I do need some aspirin! Cool
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 06:15 pm
Laughing :wink:
0 Replies
Sign Related 2
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 06:51 pm
justa_babbling_brooke wrote:
Are you saying that your soul is not a part of the "you".......instead your soul is a part of your "self?"

So therefore.........you CAN know the hour of the rapture?

Who says the soul is a "self" and not a "you?"

I will agree that the body is simply a vessel that holds the truth of who you really are as a person.

BUT make NO mistake.......YOU-SELF-SOUL-SPIRT.....whatever you wish to call it....does NOT know the hour.

And here you are on a forum professing to know that which you can't know.

So.....you WILL be back on the forum on March 10, 2005 to discuss this further? Or will you be here....and simply tell us that it is not you. It is just your body?

There be:

the self (main entity--is as a carpenter and in some cases was as a carpenter)

the soul (all the tools in general 'the self' would need so that 'the self' might build and plant itself unto a body and be merry)

the body (the spirit is also the body here too). Here in this world the body is of earth and of heaven in general. The devils that are as humans and angels have some power over the heavens (the field). This very source is of the Father. And is called the Father--Which is how come the master of the house said through Jesus "I (the self) and my Father are one". Which is how one can see though the self, the soul, and the body are seperate (distinct), they function when combined so by rules.

"You" = "used to refer to the one", not "one". And that "used to refer to the one" is decieved by the soul here in this world.

'You' can be so corrupted with what is others. And 'the you' can be so corrupted when others can pass through 'you' and try planting lies. 'The you' is so misrepresenting of each ones' 'self' here because 'the you' can simply not even be told apart from the rest of the world. 'The you' can mistake lies for truths. 'The you' can hold onto faith and let actual truth slide away.

Rapture? It's definition is tricky.

Here in this world now who all are taken will be taken. But who all devils will be left and altogether relocated into the sun.

The master of the house knows as a he in three days as itself planned it before the foundation of the world in how things unfold. The foundation of this world is what the devils sowed themselves into trusting the soul of this cosmos. And before that the master of the house, predicting the evil that will be, set a trap, rule wise, because the divsions of ITSELF must watch (in the full definition of the term) and be as a watch unto their individual selves made whole. It's trap wise because paradise and hell will be seperated in full. So even that which the devils think they hath shall be taken away from them. They thought they had us, but learned other wise.

In this now combinded world, with entities of paradise and entities of hell, as a "who"--it's like--who's life is it really here? Lots of things are shared alright and they reveal the parallel too. But when an entity of paradise goes home (unto paradise) they will definitly be 'the who' they are in the most truest and wholesome way. Same with an entity of hell gone home (unto hell). The enties of hell sure are very close "to" thier home (the greater damnation) now.

^^As the master of the house states:
John 7:6
Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready.

Matthew 19:30
But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

On this planet not even the devils will be using the net come 3-9 2005. I'm excused and it will be revealed I am excused from the Father. Which basically means I will in no wise be in the great supper prepared.

Matthew 25:34
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

^^^I'd hate it if I were blessed. In that parable the sheep on the right and the goats on the left are one in the same as the hypocrites.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 07:09 pm

Lets see...

How to put this...

On this planet not even the devils will be using the net come 3-9 2005. I'm excused and it will be revealed I am excused from the Father. Which basically means I will in no wise be in the great supper prepared.

What did you do? Call ahead and make reservations? How is it that you be excused?
0 Replies
Sign Related 2
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 07:25 pm
Montana wrote:
Don't apologize Brooke! I didn't see anything mean in your post. You must have a headache too. Here, come and share my aspirin with me ;-)

Did your head truely hurt reading my post? Whether it did or not, the soul can decieve the body in that manner.

In the KJV, in Mark 13, in caption (which is symbolic concerning the implication) is:

"(let him that readeth understand,)"

^^This case concerns someone not a devil understanding.

In KJV, in Matthew 24, in caption is:

"(whoso readeth, let him understand:)"

^^But this case concerns someone that is a devil that readeth one who is not a devil...and then the devil is either revealed or is come understanding something in another sense.

The "()" that both the sentences are in are concerning something on the inside of one's person.

Check this out:

Matthew 24:
43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not (the self of the devil) have suffered his (hell-is) house "to" be broken up.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 07:38 pm
I feel that thou smokest much of the fine produce of the fields of gold. Stretchest thou out and relaxeth, together thee, and thy twinkie and together also with thy chosen beverage, breathest in the air that is good, then spattest thou out that which is not good. Repeatest thee these aforementioned steps in the path of thy mercy, and better wilt thou soon feel.

0 Replies
Sign Related 2
Reply Thu 3 Feb, 2005 07:52 pm
makemeshiver33 wrote:

Lets see...

How to put this...

On this planet not even the devils will be using the net come 3-9 2005. I'm excused and it will be revealed I am excused from the Father. Which basically means I will in no wise be in the great supper prepared.

What did you do? Call ahead and make reservations? How is it that you be excused?

It's not what this 'you' did, it's how 'I am' "before" the world. Now that I am born here in this world, and know that certain things were set for one's self before being born as a human, I know that if I kill every single person on earth...and not even say a prayer of, say, asking for forgiveness, I still am excused from the great supper. And if I were a devil, I could have prayed and prayed and lived holy, if that were possible being a devil, and still will have gone into the greater damnation of hell. But the trurth is, is if I were a devil then in no way would I actually be anything except evil as far as being goes.

But I do have an authority which will go unto hell-is servants soon as I get home (unto paradise).

Mark 13
34 For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his (hell-is) house, and gave authority unto his (hell-is) servants, and unto every man his (hell-is) work, and commanded the porter unto watch.

The key in the fulfullment is the "un". By the way, 34 = 7. 2005 = 7. Pay attention! The only way any man can decieve 'the you' of this body in general is by knowing as the General (the distinct master of the house) of the particular Day.
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 07:49 am
Sign Related 2 wrote:

Rapture? It's definition is tricky.

This is seriously the only sentence you've written that actually makes sense!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 10:29 am
Sign Related 2 wrote:
The master of the house has authority over God in general. So tell God, the abomination of desolation, to move on unto hell because that's what God in general goes unto. Yes! God, the elect, Christ, the Holy Ghost, the Son, the angels of hevean go unto hell (hell at its finest is inside a star such as the sun). And that applies to anyone whose soul is as God which means it is a devil.

Sign Related 2 wrote:

Mark 13:35 Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
His birth date: 3-9-78
His birth place: Detroit, MI, USA (which puts his birth in the eastern time zone.)

Sign Related 2 wrote:
Messing with me here is as messing with yourself because I use you devils to knock you devils unto hell. So it's like martial arts with 'me' as the General in this war.

Soon as I get pulled that's when all hell breaks loose. Soon as I get home (which is unto paradise) the devils are being flooded with more hell.

And in your mind you are "the master of the house." The things you say are going to happen on 3-09-2005.........what is it that your mind is telling you must be done on that day? And are these things.......things you are planning on executing?????? And this is why you tell everyone to be watchful on this day?

With all the terrorist activities, I would be very careful about posting such craziness on the internet for everyone to see. You could have someone knocking at your door long before March 9th gets here.

Sign Related 2 wrote:
Imagine the scene to this:
And it is I who upon leaving gives authorty to hell-is servants to come for the devils. I'm the one here holding them back from their potential. "Behold, I have told you before." They cant run or hide or hide behind someone or some thing when it's time for 'my' revenge to reign super supreme.

Sign Related 2 wrote:
Messing with me here is as messing with yourself because I use you devils to knock you devils unto hell. So it's like martial arts with 'me' as the General in this war.

Soon as I get pulled that's when all hell breaks loose. Soon as I get home (which is unto paradise) the devils are being flooded with more hell.

Sign Related 2 wrote:
The master of the house knows of that day and hour.
Can not the master of the house distinctly play as the Father himself even though he finds the Father (this source) dishonoring?
I leave this body so that the devils will be here only. And when I leave it will be clear I can not die.

Sign Related 2 wrote:
On this planet not even the devils will be using the net come 3-9 2005. I'm excused and it will be revealed I am excused from the Father. Which basically means I will in no wise be in the great supper prepared.

What is it that you have planned on this date, sign? I think it's time for you to stop talking in ways that you truely do not want people to understand. If you have something to say......say it
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 10:35 am
sign related 2 wrote:
Did your head truely hurt reading my post? Whether it did or not, the soul can decieve the body in that manner.

Yes, it did Cool

sign related 2 wrote:
In the KJV, in Mark 13, in caption (which is symbolic concerning the implication) is:

"(let him that readeth understand,)"

^^This case concerns someone not a devil understanding.

In KJV, in Matthew 24, in caption is:

"(whoso readeth, let him understand:)"

^^But this case concerns someone that is a devil that readeth one who is not a devil...and then the devil is either revealed or is come understanding something in another sense.

The "()" that both the sentences are in are concerning something on the inside of one's person.

Check this out:

Matthew 24:
43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not (the self of the devil) have suffered his (hell-is) house "to" be broken up.

I can't even begin to respond to this because it makes no sense.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 10:41 am
Montana, I don't know about you.......but I have a bad feeling about Sign. :wink:

It's one thing for this date to come and go and nothing happen. It's another if he is planning on doing something because he thinks he has the authority to.

Dunno....... Rolling Eyes Not gonna lose any sleep over it. But the guy needs some serious help.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 10:44 am
I agree, Brooke. It is pretty creepy, sigh!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Feb, 2005 10:46 am
When I hear someone raving on the street (not at all uncommon in these parts), I tend to steer a wide berth. Might be a good policy in this case as well...
0 Replies

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